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Smart Meter Initiative

The Government of Ontario has established targets for the installation of 800,000 smart electricity meters by December 31, 2007 and installation of smart meters for all Ontario customers by December 31, 2010.


Bill 21, Energy Conservation Responsibility Act, 2006, has received Royal Assent and sets the framework for the smart meter initiative. A number of regulations under the Act are expected. Please see the Ministry of Energy’s website for updates, click here...

The Ministry has designated the Independent Electricity System Operator to act as Program Coordinator for the Smart Metering System Implementation Program (SMSIP). This is the framework in which Ontario’s Smart Metering Initiative will be carried out. For more information, please click here...

Presently, the Board’s role in the Smart Meter Initiative is limited to amendments to its codes to facilitate implementation and determining the prudent recovery of costs by regulated entities. The Board may have additional roles as regulations are issued.






Oct 26-06

Today, the Board issued the guidelines for the electricity distributors’ filings of their Smart Meter Investment Plans that was mentioned in its letter of October 13, 2006. These filings are due by December 15, 2006.

Oct 13-06

Today, the Board issued a letter to all electricity distributors directing them to file their smart meter investment plans for the 2006 rate year by December 15, 2006. The letter also addresses the concerns of some distributors regarding the funding for their smart meter plans. The actual filing guidelines will be issued shortly.

Jun 12-06

On May 16, 2006 the Board deferred filing of utility reports on smart meter implementation pending regulations.

For a history of the Board's Report to the Minister (RP-2004-0196), click here...


For more information please contact: Laurie Reid, Ontario Energy Board, at 416-440-7623 or laurie.reid@oeb.gov.on.ca

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This page last updated November 29, 2006 by webmaster@oeb.gov.on.ca.
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