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Aboriginal Education
and Training
AED Graphic

Aboriginal Connections

Learners | Job Seekers


Post-Secondary Education

Aboriginal Community Campus
Operates in partnership with Winnipeg Technical College, the University of Manitoba and Red River College.

Aboriginal People's College
Operates in partnership with Winnipeg Technical College, Red River College, the University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg, Assiniboine Community College, and Tec Voc High School

Assiniboine Community College
Aboriginal Community Development Program

Brandon University
The First Nations and Aboriginal Counselling Program

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Aboriginal University Recruitment Program
Post-Secondary Education Programs
Aboriginal Bursary System

Louis Riel Institute
Promotes the educational and cultural advancement of Metis people and is also responsible for promoting awareness of the values, culture, heritage and history of the Metis people of Manitoba.

Manitoba Hydro
Educational Funding Programs for Aboriginals

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition in Manitoba
Aboriginal Education

Red River College
Aboriginal and Teacher Educational Division

University of Manitoba
Aboriginal Focus Programs
Aboriginal Student Centre

University College of the North

University of Winnipeg
Aboriginal Student Services Centre

Yellowquill College
A First Nation learning centre of excellence in education and training, preparing adults for the critical demands of the 21st century and beyond.

Job Seekers

Employment and Training

Aboriginal Canada Portal
Partners for Careers - Manitoba

Aboriginal Literacy Foundation, Inc.

Anokiiwin Employment Solutions


Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development

High Demand Occupations in Manitoba
Aboriginal Communities

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Aboriginal Employment

Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Career Awareness Committee

Manitoba Hydro
Aboriginal Employment and Training