Province of Manitoba Internet Policy
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Appendix B

Province of Manitoba Internet Policy

July 2005

It is the policy of the Province of Manitoba that all provincial government websites maintain professional standards for site design and content. (For more detailed information on these standards, see the Website Development Standards.)

Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism's Communications Services Manitoba (CSM) is authorized and accountable for ensuring Manitoba government websites exhibit professional design and clear, appropriate content.

The policy has set out objectives to:

  • use the Internet to provide Manitobans with clear, accurate, timely information about Manitoba government services and activities
  • ensure all government websites display consistent standards for visual identity, graphic elements and navigation
  • ensure all government websites follow the World Wide Web Consortium's Accessibility standards at priority two level (
  • ensure editorial content is easily understood, accessible to a broad range of users, sensitive to cultural issues and consistent with the overall goals of the government
  • maintain an attractive and functional Internet presence for the Government of Manitoba
  • reinforce the integrity and promote the popularity of provincial government websites

Communications Services Manitoba is responsible for:

  • developing and publishing guidelines for designing provincial government websites, in partnership with Manitoba Energy, Science and Technology's Manitoba Information Communications and Technologies (MICT)
  • developing and publishing editorial standards, including the use of plain language and a consistent style
  • researching trends in website design to ensure design guidelines and content standards remain current
  • developing and publishing the Province of Manitoba's Visual Identity Guidelines for use in all communication vehicles, including advertising, publications, signage and websites
  • communicating standards for Manitoba government websites to all internal government Internet users
  • developing and maintaining the Manitoba government homepage and all direct links
  • Because the Internet is an important communications medium for the government, Communications Services Manitoba (CSM) plays a role in reviewing departmental websites to ensure their content is accurate, timely and reflects overall government priorities.

Manitoba Information and Communications Technologies (MICT) is responsible for:

  • defining the technical infrastructure framework of the government Internet, including setting standards for network security, hardware, programming languages and software
  • developing and maintaining software for the government homepage and its direct links
  • writing and maintaining technical documentation for web templates and applications
  • researching trends in website design to ensure design guidelines and content standards remain current
  • providing technical services to departmental web developers
  • providing government-wide, web-search capabilities
  • ensuring the integrity, security and availability of all government websites

Departments are responsible for:

  • developing and maintaining all content on their sites, including public information, online services and applications
  • meeting government standards for web content and site development
  • advising Communications Services Manitoba (CSM) of any new content published on departmental sites

Communications Services Manitoba (CSM) and Manitoba Information and Communications Technologies (MICT) will:

  • monitor and evaluate the overall design, content and functionality of provincial websites to ensure they are consistent with the Province of Manitoba Internet Policy, Standards and Guidelines.
  • inform departments, agencies and commissions when policy guidelines are not being followed - where necessary, advise departments to adjust their websites to meet the Province of Manitoba Website Development Standards.
Manitoba Visual Identity