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Energy Development Initiative

Power generating windmills

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Wind Energy

Wind is the world's fastest growing energy source with sustained world wide growth rates in excess of 30% annually. By the end of 2005, world-wide wind-generated capacity was almost 60,000 megawatts (MW). Canada has 683.5 MW of installed capacity (March 2006) and the Canadian market is growing by about 50% a year. Estimates suggest that wind generated electricity could represent over 3% of Canadian electricity demand by 2015 from about 1% currently. According to the Canadian Wind Energy Association, we have about 50,000 MW of developable wind resource-enough to supply about 20% of Canada's electricity supply.

Improvements in technology have lowered the cost of wind generated power, so that today, wind power can compete with traditional sources of generation. Manitoba is particularly well positioned to capture a significant portion of wind generation. Initial testing has confirmed that Manitoba has a world class wind resource and accessible sites. Because wind is intermittent, it must be firmed and shaped. Manitoba Hydro has good firming and shaping capabilities. When the wind is blowing, water can be stored in reservoirs. When the wind is calm, water is released to generate power at the dam site ensuring that customers get firm power on demand. In addition, our wind regime is most productive in the winter months when our peak demand for power occurs. Manitoba has very good access to transmission lines so we can move the energy effectively and we have an enthusiastic rural population that embraces wind development.

Learn about Manitoba Hydro's wind monitoring program at Manitoba Hydro News Release on Wind Power or about wind power at Canadian Wind Energy Association's web site.


General Overview of Wind Power Development in Manitoba

Presentation to Canadian Wind Energy Association Conference, October 18, 2004 - Winds of Opportunity - Clean Power for Manitoba's Future.

News Releases:

Next Phase Of Manitoba Wind Strategy To Power 100,000 Homes: Chomiak - September 07, 2006.

Manitoba To Host National Wind Energy Conference: Chomiak - September 01, 2006

St. Leon Celebrates 99-Megawatt Harvest with 63 Turbines Constructed - March 10, 2006.

Energy Minister Announces Next Step in Plan to Further Harvest Manitoba's Wind-Power Potential - November 21, 2005.

Southern Manitoba Farmers Set to Harvest Province's First Wind Crop - April 28, 2005.

Southern Manitoba Community Home to One of Canada's Largest Wind Farm Projects - December 3, 2004.

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