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Manitoba Health and Healthy Living is pleased to offer schools grades 6-12 throughout Manitoba the third edition of Review & Rate. Like its predecessors, Review & Rate III is a complete one-hour program, containing another 12 great anti-tobacco ads courtesy of the United States Centers for Disease Control’s Media Campaign Resource Center and various governments throughout the world. The goal is to encourage young Manitobans to think critically about the issue of tobacco use from a number of perspectives.

Review & Rate III Contents

  • Video with 12 outstanding anti-tobacco ads from around the world — Some of the ads are very graphic. Others deal with extremely emotional subject matter, such as losing loved ones due to tobacco use. Please ensure students are aware of the subject matter and provide any student with the opportunity to opt out of the exercise as appropriate before the video is shown.
  • Ballots for students to rate the ads — Students return the ballots, we count them, air the winning ad, randomly draw 20 ballots and award each of those 20 students an iPod Shuffle.
  • Additional Resource for Teachers to further expand on the ideas and concepts presented in the ads – It includes a listing of possible classroom activities.
  • Evaluation form for each teacher to complete — Your valuable feedback is greatly appreciated and helps ensure we are able to continue to offer this program.

Click here to download the guide - pdf - 2.15 mb [ - 2.15 mb]
Click here to download the ballot - pdf - 400 k [ - 400k ]
Click here to download "Additional Resource for Teachers"- pdf - 530 k [ - 650 k ]
Click here to download the evaluation form - pdf - 55 k [ - 400 k

Note:  You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to open the above documents. If you require a free copy of the Reader, click here.

Please hurry and complete your Review & Rate III program in the classroom. After December 31, 2006 the ads on the videotape expire. The video can no longer be shown after this date and should be discarded.

How to Conduct a Review & Rate Session

Before You Begin

Please ensure students are aware of the subject matter and provide any student with the opportunity to opt out of the exercise as appropriate before the video is shown.

  • Students are asked to provide their personal information on the ballot in case their entry is drawn to be awarded an iPod Shuffle. Should students not want to provide personal information, they can leave this section blank — it is used only for awarding prizes. Once the votes are tabulated, all the ballots are shredded and the personal information they contain is destroyed.

Distribute the Ballots

Ask viewers to think while they are watching the video:

  • Which ad do they rate as the most effective?
  • Which ad makes them think twice about starting to smoke?
  • If they smoke, which ad makes them think most about quitting?

Show the Video

Show the video. We recommend you show the entire video, then rewind and show the ads one more time before viewers complete their ballots.

Important: It is very important that viewers save their comments and discussion until after they’ve seen all the ads and filled out their ballots, so others don’t influence an individual’s choice.

Rate the Ads

Once they’ve reviewed the ads, ask your students to select the ad they believe is the most effective. They can write the name of the ad on their ballot form. If they want to be eligible for an iPod Shuffle, they need to include their personal information; otherwise they can leave it blank.

Review Together as a Group

Reviewing the ads as a group allows students the opportunity to think critically about the issue of tobacco use. You might begin by asking your students to share their ratings and tally the results to determine which ad in your class was rated most effective.

You could also ask participants:

  • Why do they think the winning ad is most effective?
  • What did they like or dislike about the ads?
  • Did any provide new information? If so, what was it?
  • Do viewers prefer the realistic ads or humourous ads?
  • What messages did they take away from the ads?
  • Discuss the different approaches, such as shock, humour, personal stories and how they infl uence a person’s decision to use tobacco or not.

Additonal Resource/Classroom Activities

We have offered teachers an additional resource once again this year. It might be helpful to review it prior to conducting your session; or have it on hand during the group review to provide interesting quotes, facts and figures to advance the discussion with your students. Also included at the end of the resource is a list of possible classroom activities for your consideration.

Collect, Complete and Mail

  • Collect the completed rating ballots
  • Complete the teacher evaluation
  • Mail both by December 15, 2006 to:

    Review & Rate Program
    Manitoba Health
    1077-300 Carlton St.
    Winnipeg, MB R3B 3M9

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