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About Us

Manitoba has a rich diversity of natural landscapes and wildlife species, from the polar bears of Churchill to the garter snakes of Narcisse to the orchids of the tall-grass prairie near Tolstoi. Our environment, culture, economy, and society are interdependent and we must wisely protect, use, and manage our wild animal and plant resources.

The mandate of the Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch is to protect wildlife resources in a manner consistent with the conservation of species and ecosystems for the benefit of Manitobans. This responsibility is carried out under the authority of The Wildlife Act, The Endangered Species Act, and The Conservation Agreements Act of Manitoba, and by applying the principles of sustainable development.

The Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch develops programs, policies and legislation for hunting and trapping, biodiversity conservation, and habitat and land management on Crown and private land. The Branch also represents Manitoba in numerous provincial, national, and international initiatives.

Wildlife programs are delivered by biologists, planners, technicians, and support staff throughout Manitoba. Field enforcement is carried out by Natural Resource Officers.

Several land stewardship and acquisition programs, as well as conservation agreements, are delivered by an affiliated Crown agency, the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation.

You can contact the Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch:

  • by phone at (204)945-7775;
  • by email, or;
  • by mail at Box 24, 200 Saulteaux Crescent, Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3.

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