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The Manitoba Geological Survey has undertaken a number initiatives to assist in the search for diamondiferous kimberlite in the province including:
  • a compilation of existing data from a number of surveys and agencies into a single comprehensive database of public-sector survey results released as OF2004-25 Manitoba Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Database,
  • ongoing analysis and 3-D modelling of till stratigraphy in the Hudson Bay Lowland, and
  • the compilation of potential-field data, structural data and ‘young’ igneous occurrences.


Manitoba Kimberlite Indicator
Mineral Database
Manitoba's Integrated Anomaly
Powerpoint Presentations
The search for diamonds in
Manitoba - an update
New work has shown that kimberlite indicator minerals in till within the Hudson Bay Lowland occur preferentially within one of four till units. Ice flow directions derived from till fabric analysis and indicator distributions suggest indicator minerals were dispersed by ice flowing to the southeast in addition to regionally pervasive southwesterly ice flow events.
New bedrock studies show that the northwest Superior Province boundary contains an ancient platformal supracrustal sequence that stabilized prior to 3.0 Ga. The combination of this potentially thick lithosphere and Mesozoic hotspot tracks suggests that this region should host kimberlites.

Manitoba Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Database
(Version 3.0)
Manitoba Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Database

by G.R. Keller, D.J. Bodgan1 and G.L.D. Matile
(zipped Microsoft® Access 2000 database, 3.5 MB)
Released as Open File Report OF2004-25 (Supersedes OF2003-3, OF2004-1 and OF2004-2)

1 Consultant, 48 Weinberg Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2V 1M8

This searchable database contains a compilation of results from all available, non-confidential, kimberlite indicator mineral surveys completed in Manitoba. The database houses sample location, sample preparation and reference data as well as microprobe analyses of heavy mineral grains. The database includes new data from De Beers Canada Exploration Inc. as well as data from Indicator Explorations Ltd., Kennecott Canada Explorations Inc. and the Erik Nielsen 2002 Hudson Bay Lowland survey.

The database can be searched by geographic area and/or mineral or chemical attributes using basic database search techniques. Version 3.0 features a customised query form providing additional query options to facilitate searching as well as the ability to create and view Shapefiles from queried data.

Version 3.0 of the Manitoba Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Database supersedes previous versions.

A ZIP file containing the Microsoft® Access 2000 database and associated files for this report is available to download free of charge at (4.6 MB)

Manitoba's Integrated Anomaly Map

Manitoba's Integrated Anomaly Map
Compilation of structural, topographic, potential field and geologic data focussed toward identifying deep crustal structures and occurrences of kimberlite.

More details

Powerpoint Presentations

Presented at the Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention in November, 2003.

NOTE: To view Microsoft PowerPoint documents, you need to have Microsoft PowerPoint, or Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer installed on your computer. To obtain a free copy of Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, please visit Microsoft's website.

Diamond potential in Manitoba: an overview
by Christine Kaszycki, Assistant Deputy Minister, Mineral Resources Division
WARNING: Large zip file, 22.4 MB

Kimberlite potential of the northwest Superior craton and Superior Boundary Zone
by Christian Böhm (Manitoba Geological Survey) and Larry Heaman (University of Alberta)
WARNING: Large zip file, 23.7 MB

The search for diamonds in Manitoba: an update

by Manitoba Geological Survey

Manitoba Geological Survey 2003: The search for diamonds in Manitoba: an update; in Report of Activities 2003, Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 239–246.

Report GS-31, Report of Activities 2003  (PDF file, 516 kb)

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