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Manitoba Conservation

Protected Areas Initiative

Continuing our Commitment


”Working with stakeholders and First Nation communities, we are striving to create a network of protected areas that will represent each of Manitoba’s natural regions and protect our province’s unique features. “

Premier Gary Doer, June 11, 2004

“We will continue to work at expanding our vital protected areas network.”

Hon. Stan Struthers, Minister of Conservation, September 21, 2005

In 1990, in response to the World Wildlife Fund Canada’s Endangered Spaces Campaign, Manitoba dedicated itself to establishing a network of protected areas.  Following extensive public consultations, the Natural Lands and Special Places Strategy was formulated and in the process became the policy foundation for Manitoba’s Protected Areas Initiative. 

This policy statement re-affirmed Manitoba’s objective to permanently protect a representative example of all the province’s diverse landscapes.  As a result of this policy initiative, An Action Plan for Manitoba’s Network of Protected Areas was developed in 1993, updated in 1997 and revised again in 2000.

Since the last Action Plan was distributed in 2000, there have been changes to the priorities and focus of the Protected Areas Initiative.  These changes affected the anticipated success in meeting the initial targeted dates for completing various items in the Action Plan.  The extent of consultations required for establishing new protected areas led to some delays.  In some cases, however, opportunities arose that led to the creation of new protected areas and initiatives that had not been foreseen in 2000.

Today, broader priority areas for protection have been established due to the fact that we are now doing protected areas planning in high use areas that have many competing interests.  We take a conciliatory approach to protected areas planning and adequate time must be allowed for discussions with industry, First Nations, northern and rural communities, and other interest groups prior to designation.  The challenge of working together with diverse groups and interests makes it difficult to predict which site will become the next protected area.

Future Protected Areas

The Protected Areas Initiative has recognized several priority areas that will be the focus of the program’s work throughout the next few years (see Priority Areas Map).  These include Tembec’s Forest Management License #1 (FML-1) in eastern Manitoba (Natural Region 4c), the Saskatchewan River Forest Section (Natural Region 5a), the Manitoba Lowlands in the southeastern corner of the province (Natural Region 5c), southern Manitoba (Agro-Manitoba), the Arctic Tundra along Hudson Bay (Natural Regions 2a and 2b), a number of smaller sites proposed as ecological reserves, and park reserves expiring by 2008.  It will be exciting to see which of the fabulous sites in these regions will become the next addition to Manitoba’s network of protected areas!



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