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To reduce the impact of disasters on Manitobans by fostering cooperation of available resources.


To provide all citizens with the best integrated emergency management system in Canada.


The Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization was established in 1959 with the original purpose of developing emergency procedures for dealing with events related to nuclear attack. Over the years, as the threat of nuclear war diminished and the risk of both natural and human-caused disasters increased, the emphasis shifted towards peacetime emergencies. In the fall of 1996, the organization was amalgamated with the Manitoba Disaster Assistance Board to form the Manitoba Emergency Management Organization, broadening its scope to all phases of disaster management - from preparedness and response to recovery. In 2001, the organization was renamed the Emergency Measures Organization.


EMO draws its mandate from The Emergency Measures Act which essentially requires that EMO prepare, maintain and implement policies and procedures relating to preparedness, response and recovery from emergencies and disasters in Manitoba.

Planning and Research

EMO assists with the preparation, review and enhancement of emergency preparedness programs, training exercises and resource development for municipalities, school divisions, government departments and agencies, and the private sector.

EMO also reviews and recommends amendments to emergency measures legislation and ensures that departmental, municipal and private sector emergency plans are consistent with existing legislation.

The Manitoba Emergency Plan

EMO is responsible for maintaining the Manitoba Emergency Plan. The Plan is the linchpin in EMO's capacity to provide a coordinated and effective response to emergencies and disasters. It explains the provincial emergency response concept, emergency response structure, and the roles and responsibilities of provincial departments and agencies responding to emergencies and disasters.

Training and Education

EMO provides emergency management Training in the form of courses, workshops, exercises, and conferences to local and provincial government officials, emergency response personnel, public interest groups and non-government representatives who would be tasked with principal emergency management responsibility in the event of an emergency or disaster.

EMO is also a member of the organizing committee for the annual Disaster Management Conference.

Public Information

EMO disseminates Public Information on matters relating to emergency preparedness, response and recovery by distributing educational brochures and other awareness materials to individuals, businesses, agencies and institutions. One example is the Family Emergency Handbook.

Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP)

EMO jointly administers JEPP with Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada and is the interface for municipalities and provincial government agencies to access the JEPP program. JEPP is a federal government initiative that provides financial cost sharing with municipal and provincial governments to help meet the costs of approved emergency preparedness projects.

Emergency Response

EMO assists with major emergencies and disasters through coordination of the disaster response process, including the coordination of provincial, federal and non-government agency resources to assist municipalities. Services provided to the municipalities include consulting, planning support, event activity, post emergency reports, and public information on response activities.

Disaster Financial Assistance and Recovery

EMO is responsible for the administration of the provincial Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program and the systematization of recovery assistance programs. The purpose of the disaster financial assistance is to assist victims, municipalities, government departments, and other agencies to recoup some of the costs incurred with respect to mitigating the consequences of disaster. Activities include co-ordination of partners in community recovery, developing and implementing guidelines for the evaluation, approval and payment of disaster assistance claims and consulting on guidelines and policy.


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