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Emergency Medical Services

Licensing Eligibility in Manitoba

To be eligible for licensing in the Province of Manitoba, an applicant must complete a Personnel License Application form.

The form must be filled out in its entirety, dated and signed by the applicant. The original form is to be submitted complete with the following documentation:

  • Proof of Age The candidate must be at least eighteen (18) years old and the application must include a copy of identification that has their date of birth (e.g. driver’s license, valid passport, birth certificate).

  • Proof of Criminal Records Check – All candidates must provide the original and current (no more than sixty (60) days old) Criminal Record Check including the Vulnerable Sector Screening.
This is a record about an individual obtained from a law enforcement agency (e.g. City of Winnipeg Police, RCMP) stating whether or not the person has any convictions or outstanding charges awaiting court disposition under any federal, provincial or territorial enactments. Original will be returned to applicant.
  • Proof of Child Abuse Registry Check – All candidates must provide the original and current (no more than sixty (60) days old) Child Abuse Registry Check.

    This document is available through application in person at:
    Provincial Services
    #102 – 114 Garry Street
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1G1
    Phone: (204) 945-6967
    Toll-free # 1-800-282-8069.

    The application and information are available on the Manitoba Family Services and Housing

  • Original will be returned to applicant.

  • Qualifications – In order to process a candidate’s application an original document from the educational institution confirming graduation or successful completion of the identified training/education within twelve (12) months immediately preceding the application must be submitted.

    The original may accompany the application or be sent directly to Manitoba Health Emergency Medical Services Branch by the educational institution. The original will be returned to candidate. Educational requirements may vary dependent on the classification of license the candidate is applying for.

Following is a list of classification of licensure available, with additional requirements for each license classification:


Candidates applying for the Technician classification of license must access and successfully pass the Technician examination. To be eligible for the Provincial Licensing Examination at the Technician classification in the Province of Manitoba, a candidate must:

  • Submit a Personnel Licensing Application complete with appropriate documentation
  • Have successfully completed a course of study, within one year of application, which is acceptable to the Minister for the Technician classification of license.
Approved educational programs for the Technician classification of license:
    • Manitoba Emergency Services College EMR program
    • Red River College EMR program
    • Emergency Rescue Response EMR program
    • Southern Manitoba Academy of Rescue Response (SMART) EMR program

Upon receipt and verification of information provided, an examination registration package will be mailed to the applicant detailing the exam process.

Upon successful completion of the provincial licensing examination a letter of qualification is provided to the candidate. This letter is proof of eligibility for licensing. Upon receipt of verification of employment and a Clinical Experience-On-car Rotation form is submitted, the applicant will be issued a Technician license.


Candidates applying for the Technician-Paramedic classification of license must access and successfully pass the Technician-Paramedic examination. To be eligible for the Provincial Licensing Examination at the Technician-Paramedic classification in the Province of Manitoba, a candidate must:

  • Submit a Personnel Licensing Application complete with appropriate documentation
  • Have successfully completed a course of study, within one year of application, which is acceptable to the Minister for the Technician-Paramedic classification of license.

Approved educational programs for the Technician-Paramedic level of licensure:

    • CMA accredited PCP program

Upon receipt and verification of information provided, an examination registration package will be mailed to the applicant detailing the exam process.Upon successful completion of the provincial licensing examination a letter of qualification is provided to the candidate. This letter is proof of eligibility for licensing. Upon receipt of verification of employment the applicant will be issued a Technician license.

Technician-Advanced Paramedic

Candidates applying for the Technician-Advanced Paramedic classification of license must access and successfully pass the Technician-Paramedic examination. To be eligible for the Provincial Licensing Examination at the Technician-Advanced Paramedic level in the Province of Manitoba, a candidate must:

  • Submit a Personnel Licensing Application complete with appropriate documentation
  • Have successfully completed a course of study, within one year of application, which is acceptable to the Minister for the Technician-Advanced paramedic classification of license.

Approved educational programs for the Technician-Paramedic level of licensure:

    • CMA accredited ACP program

Upon receipt and verification of information provided, an examination registration package will be mailed to the applicant detailing the exam process.

Upon successful completion of the provincial licensing examination a letter of qualification is provided to the candidate. This letter is proof of eligibility for licensing. Upon receipt of verification of employment the applicant will be issued a Technician license.

Aeromedical Attendant

Candidates applying for the Aeromedical Attendant must:

  • Submit a Personnel Licensing Application complete with appropriate documentation
  • Hold a valid registration with the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba or valid Manitoba Health Technician Advanced Paramedic License and
  • Have graduated from a recognized critical care course, or an emergency nursing course or a recognized EMA III (accredited ACP) program, or
    provide verification of at least two years of related nursing experience or
    have a valid Manitoba Health Technician-Advanced Paramedic license
  • PLUS have successfully completed the following

  • Aeromedical escort training approved program
  • Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support
  • Basic Trauma Life Support or Trauma Nursing Critical Care

Upon receipt and verification of information a letter of qualification is provided to the candidate. This letter is proof of eligibility for licensing. Upon receipt of verification of employment an Aeromedical Attendant license will be issued.

Air Ambulance Pilot

Under review.

Stretcher Attendant

Candidates applying for the Stretcher Attendant classification of license must:

  • Submit a Personnel Licensing Application complete with appropriate documentation
  • Provide evidence of successful completion within one year of application of an approved:
    • Standard First Aid course (minimum 16 hours)
    • Cardio pulmonary resuscitation course

Upon receipt and verification of information a letter of qualification is provided to the candidate. This letter is proof of eligibility for licensing. Upon receipt of verification of employment a Stretcher Attendant license will be issued


To maintain licensure in the Province of Manitoba, personnel must;

  • submit a Renewal and/or Upgrade Form 60 days prior to license expiration and successfully pass the Licensing Examination for their level of licensure
Amendments to personnel license

EMS personnel are required to notify Manitoba Health Emergency Medical Services Branch in the event of a change to their status. This includes change of name (legal documentation verifying legal change of name is required), change of address, change from one license holder (employer) to another, resignation from license holder(employer), working for more than one license holder (employer).

Fill out the detachable section of the blue personnel license that was issued to you and return it to the Emergency Medical Services Branch. Please ensure that the appropriate support documentation is included (example: copy of marriage certificate).

License upgrade

To upgrade your license to a new level in the Province of Manitoba, personnel must:

  • submit a Renewal and/or Upgrade Form and successfully pass the Licensing Examination for their level of licensure
Refresher program

The refresher program is designed for those that do not meet the requirements for licensing / re-licensing in the following areas:

  • graduated from an approved program but did not access licensure within one year of their certificate ‘issued’ date
  • candidates that did not renew their license prior to expiry
  • candidates that were unsuccessful in the licensing examination

The program must be taught by an individual with experience teaching an approved (within Manitoba) program, within the previous two years.

The program is designed to allow the instructor the ability to tailor the program to fit the needs of the individual student.

Please click here for the below refresher program outlines and forms.

  • Technician
  • EMT (available until December 31, 2006)
  • Technician-paramedic

EMS personnel that have completed training outside the approved programs may seek reciprocity for their education.

A written request must be submitted to the Director of Manitoba Health Emergency Medical Services Branch. The request must include the following:

  • identification of EMS program completed
  • date completed
  • curriculum
    • learning objectives (didactic and practical)
    • skill competencies
    • comparison document to the National Occupational Competency Profiles [SCD2]
    • evaluation process
    • program hours
  • practicum
    • areas attended
    • hours per area
    • competency requirements for each area
  • previous EMS experience
    • location
    • duration of experience
    • documentation (copy of license)
    • contact information of licensing body
Provisional Licenses

A Provisional License may be granted while an applicant is waiting to challenge the provincial licensing exam.

All requests for a provisional license must be submitted in writing to the Director of the Emergency Medical Services Branch, and include verification of employment from a Manitoba EMS Service license holder.

License Status

Candidates’ licenses are valid until the expiry date shown on the front of their license.

Licensing – Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I am a licensed EMR and am presently enrolled in an EMT course. How do I apply for a license?

Answer: Complete the Assessment for Grandfathering form to grandfather your present license of EMR to Technician. Upon successful completion of your EMT course complete a Renewal/Upgrade application form and submit with the appropriate documentation to Personnel Licensing. You will then be notified of written exams dates that you may sign up for. Upon successful completion of the written exam you will be given dates of upcoming practical exams that you may sign up for.

Upon successful completion of the practical exam you will be issued a Provisional Technician Paramedic License.

Upon successful completion of the PCP bridge program or completion of the 9 components identified as the Gap and one year of the Alternate Route program(or successful completion of the Technician-Paramedic bridge exam) you will be issued a Technician Paramedic License

Question: Am I required to maintain annual certification in my CPR?

Answer: Emergency Treatment Guideline G 13 – states “all licensed EMS personnel must be certified to the equivalent of the Manitoba Heart and Stroke Foundation Standard for Basic Rescuer Level C as well as proficient in the assessment techniques and skills outlined in the CPR guideline section on Neonatal Resuscitation; as well as remaining current with their certification and ensuring they are proficient in all aspects of CPR.

Question: If my license expires July 31, 2006 and I apply for grandfathering, does my license expire 3 years from the date of issue of the Technician license or am I reissued my license with the same expiry date?

Answer: Your license will maintain the same expiry date. Your classification is changed through the assessment for grandfathering (transition) but your expiry date is not extended.

Question: Will I be able to get an extension on my license if I request one?

Answer: Effective April 1, 2006 no extensions will be issued for personnel who become initially licensed under the new system. In extenuating circumstances, individual cases will be reviewed and there is the potential that a Provisional License may be issued.

Question: If I am presently licensed as an Ambulance Operator and I want to enroll in an EMR course and grandfather to a Technician license does it mean that I can practice as a Technician (EMR) while I am taking my course.

Answer: No. If you are enrolled in an EMR program you may be grandfathered to a Provisional Technician License with the condition attached that you are not allowed to be the primary person providing patient care or as the sole provider in the back of the ambulance. It should be noted that during the time you are enrolled in the EMR course that it is the EMS personnel’s responsibility to maintain current certification in their First Aid and CPR.

Upon successful completion of the EMR provincial licensing exam you will be issued a Technician license.

Question: I am presently working in my region as a Level II Paramedic. Where do I fit in with the new classifications?

Answer: The amended regulations provide three classifications for licensure levels. Technician, Technician Paramedic and Technician Advanced Paramedic. These 3 classifications have been equated to Technician – EMR; Technician Paramedic – EMT / PCP and Technician Advanced Paramedic – ACP

If your present license is marked EMT B, EMT I or EMT II then you are able to grandfather to the Technician Paramedic level.

Question: I am practicing as a Level III paramedic in my region and want to know if I can challenge the ACP provincial exam for licensure at that level.

Answer: Only individuals who have completed an accredited ACP program or a previously recognized EMT 3 program can access the provincial licensing exam. You must show proof that you have obtained the educational level required under an accredited ACP program. Requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Question: I am presently enrolled in the ACP program in Winnipeg. How do I apply for an upgrade to my license?

Answer: Complete the renewal / upgrade application form and submit to Personnel Licensing with the appropriate documentation and you will be given an appointment to participate in the Provincial ACP examination.

Question: If I am a first responder for a municipality do I need to be licensed?

Answer: If your organization is holding themselves out to the public as providing emergency medical first response, then you may be required to be trained to the minimum level of EMR and hold a Technician license. If however your organization is a provider of first response for the purposes of fire or police related situations and on occasion you render first aid but medical first response is not your main priority then you do not need to be licensed as a Technician.

Question: Will dispatch call takers be offered the opportunity to grandfather to the new license categories?

Answer: If they presently hold a valid license then yes they can grandfather. Effective January 01, 2007 all call takers must be licensed at the technician or higher level.

Question: Why was the classification of Ambulance Operator taken out of the new regulations?

Answer: Across Canada, industry standard has increased and in the interest of public safety the minimum standard of Emergency Medical Responder has been adopted. This will bring our licensing requirements in line with the National Occupational Competency Profile that is used as a benchmark across Canada.

Question: Does it matter how long it takes for me to gain employment? Will my letter of qualification only be good for a certain period of time?

Answer: You have three years from the date that your letter of qualification is issued to provide verification of employment as a Technician in Manitoba. After that time you would be required to take a refresher program before applying again for licensure.

          For more information:

Manitoba Health
Emergency Medical Services


Phone:  (204) 945-5300

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