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"What do you want to do when you grow up?" Well, you've come to the right place if you're looking for help to find the answer. Here are links to employment programs, internships, labour market info, career development, and even stuff about starting your own business. And for what it's worth, we think that being a cowboy would definitely be a cool job.

Click on the following categories for more information:


When you're the boss, you can do anything... even fire yourself. With that in mind, check out our links on starting your own business.

Opportunities in Government

No matter what you've heard, working for the government can be a very challenging and rewarding experience... and the money's pretty good too.

Jobs and Internships

So summer's over and you're still looking for work... we've got you covered. Check out these links to programs that operate throughout the year.

Career Development

There's a lot of work involved before you get that wicked job as an astronaut with NASA. Here are some links to help you plan, write a resume, and all that other good stuff.


Here are some links for apprenticeship programs in Manitoba. Hmmmm... learning about a job from someone who's really good at it... what an interesting concept.

Hot Careers

When we say "Hot", we don't mean good looking. We mean that these links can help you figure out the high-demand careers in Manitoba.

Summer Jobs

The classic summer job. Here are some links to hook you up with programs that focus on summer employment.

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