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MB4Youth Newsletter (Requires Acrobat Reader)

Don't miss out on what's happening in the upcoming weeks and months. Look here for up-to-date information on events, services, and programs.

MB4Youth Newsletter

The MB4Youth Newsletter highlights upcoming youth programs and services that matter most to you. Find out what's up in your community and beyond. Sign up for an event. Grab hold of an opportunity today.

Youth Leadership Scholarship Program

The Youth Leadership Scholarship Program recognizes Grade 12 students who have engaged in meaningful leadership and citizenship volunteer activities over the previous year that were targeted at promoting healthy living in their communities and schools. Two hundred scholarships of $500 each are available to Manitoba grade 12 students. Scholarships may be used to attend post-secondary studies at any recognized post-secondary institution.

Part-time Programs for Post-secondary Students

Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth is committed to helping post-secondary students continue and complete their education. These programs, in partnership with Manitoba employers, universities and colleges, non-profit organizations and government departments will provide students with an opportunity to gain important work skills and earn income to continue their studies.

Youth Making a Difference

Youth Making a Difference is a collection of stories about young people having a significant positive impact on their communities, their country or people in other parts of the world. Stories cover a wide range of themes and represent various age groups, ethnic groups and Manitoba locations. Some are stories about individual youth, while others are about youth groups or school groups. New stories will be added from time to time, so check back at this site to read about youth participating in their communities. If you wish to submit a story, you can email Hugh Sigurdson at for more information or call him at 945-2568.

Celebrating Visual Arts in Manitoba Schools

Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth's Artwork Gallery. This gallery is comprised of original artwork created by Manitoba Kindergarten to Senior 4 students from various Manitoba schools. At different times during the school year these pieces of artwork have been displayed in the office of the Minister.

MB4Youth Advisory Council

The MB4Youth Advisory Council is made up of 15 youth between the ages of 15-24 who come from a variety of communities and cultural backgrounds. Council members who are actively involved in their community and have strong leadership skills are appointed for one renewable term of one year. They meet face to face 3-4 times a year to discuss and provide feedback to The Minister of Education and Youth on programming and policy issues such as education, jobs, leadership, citizen engagement and on broader issues such as health and the environment.

Health and Safety 101

Health and Safety 101 is an e-course developed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in Ontario, to provide workers 24 years old and younger with important health and safety information. This course also prepares you for the Passport to Safety test and online transcript program Through the Passport program, you'll have the opportunity to receive a nationally recognized certificate, or Passport, to show employers you have a basic level of health and safety knowledge - an added bonus when you're applying for a job!

Grow Me the Money!

Does your money work for you, or do you work for your money? Test your financial know-how and learn more about smart money management with our on-line financial challenges.

Education Matters: A new online publication

Today, Statistics Canada launches a new free online publication called Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada. This publication, which will be released every two months, is a source of summary information on issues relating to education, training and learning, as well as a key point of access to data and analytical output relating to education. Each edition of Education Matters will contain two articles, which explore a range of issues relating to education and learning, and which summarize findings reported in research papers and provide links to those papers. The articles in today's inaugural issue are titled "Literacy Counts" and "Distance as a Post-secondary Access Issue." The publication also links electronically to a wide variety of data, news on education, learning resources and tables, charts and analysis. In short, it will be an invaluable research tool for policy analysts, researchers, academics and journalists and a key source of information for teachers, parents and others with a keen interest in education issues. The first issue of Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada (81-004-XIE, free) is now available online. From the Our products and services page, under Browse our Internet publications, choose Free, then Education, then Education Matters. For more information, contact Client Services (1-800 307-3382; 613-951-7608; fax: 613-951-9040;, Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics.

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