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We all understand that it can be hard to focus on moving forward when you have health and family issues to deal with. With problems ranging from addiction, pregnancy, nutrition, and finances... here are some links that you can use to find support and get the straight info you need.

Click on the following categories for more information:

Safe Communities

You don't have to wear spandex tights and drive the batmobile to fight crime in your community. Here are some great initiatives that help increase community safety and crime prevention. So if you're not using those tights...can we borrow them?


Here are some programs that can help take the edge off your budget line.


There's more to nutrition than what you learned in cooking class. Check out these links about everything from food to body image. And remember, whatever you make... you have to eat.

Health Awareness

Your body is yours for life, so it's important to treat it properly. Check out our links to health awareness programs, because as far as we know, they haven't perfected the "whole-body" transplant yet.

Child Care

Here are some links to online services and information about licensed child care


Sometimes, all it takes is to talk to someone about what's going on. Here are some links to connect you with that someone.

Sexuality and Pregnancy

Sexuality is a huge deal, and pregnancy can be overwhelming. If you're looking for a support program, or just need someone to talk to, check out these links.


Are you convinced that your landlord has to be breaking some type of law? Do you need a place? Check out these programs and resources to help you get your own set-up.

Youth with Disabilities

Here are some great support and contact links for youth with disabilities.


Here are some important links if you or someone you know is having a battle with an addiction.

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