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Wildlife and
Protection Branch


Manitoba Conservation Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch

Big Game Monitoring

Big game populations in each Game Hunting Area are managed on a sustainable basis to provide opportunities for both hunting and viewing within ecologically diverse landscapes in Manitoba.

Conservation workers tag deerUnderstanding population dynamics, especially population change, is essential in optimizing the management of big game populations and requires continual data collection by a variety of methods. The primary data collection methods used by the Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch are:

Determining the extent of population change is best achieved by looking at many parameters collectively rather than one component in isolation.

In addition to monitoring to gather population dynamics data, monitoring occurs to gather data on infection rates of diseases such as bovine tuberculosis and chronic wasting disease.

Quick Access

 Species At Risk
 Biodiversity Conservation
  Habitat Management
 Big Game Species Monitoring

Big Game Species

 Aerial Inventories
 Hunter Questionnaires
 Biological Specimen Collection
  Hunting Trends and Stats
 Big Game Hunting


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