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Consultation Policy and Procedure Directives for undertaking Consultation with First Nations

The Aboriginal Relations Branch has initiated an intra-departmental working group and developed a draft "Discussion Paper on Consultation with First Nations People". This document has been designed to assist Manitoba Conservation in engaging in meaningful and effective consultations with First Nations.

The Discussion Paper contains a set of principles that are being developed to serve as guidelines for consultation. These principles reflect the commitment that Manitoba Conservation has made to govern in a manner that respects Treaty and Aboriginal rights.

The Discussion Paper provides also general information about consultation. It contains some practical advice on how to plan and execute effective consultation and is designed to offer suggestions and ideas, not formulas.

The Discussion Paper continues to be a work in progress. The Aboriginal Relations Branch will be meeting with First Nations and/or First Nation organizations to obtain input to finalize the Discussion Paper. Following these discussions it is anticipated that work on a consultation policy and procedure directives will proceed.

The development of a consultation policy is important, as it is a legal requirement that the department undertake meaningful consultations when any action(s) of government through legislation, policy or programs infringes upon the constitutionally protected Treaty and Aboriginal rights of First Nations. In some situations undertaking meaningful consultations with First Nations will be a critical step in developing and implementing actions (legislation, policy or programs).

Cooperative Protocol to Address the Involvement of Aboriginal Peoples with Natural Resource Management

The COSDI Report recommended that Manitoba Conservation partner with the Aboriginal community to develop a Cooperative Protocol Agreement that would outline those areas in natural resource management where Aboriginal people would be involved. It is expected that this protocol would serve as the basis for negotiation toward the development of other actions like co-management of natural resources, capacity building within the Aboriginal community, formal ongoing process for communication, information sharing, and decision making responsibilities.

Policy of Disposition of Birds of Prey for First Nations’ Ceremonial Use

A draft of a policy and procedures was developed for the "Disposition of Birds of Prey for First Nations Ceremonial Use." Elders from the Cree, Dakota, Dene, and Ojibway cultures are providing direction respecting the content of the policy and procedures.

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