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Manitoba Conservation

Sustainable Resource Management Branch


Who Are We?

The Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development is an advisory body to the provincial government that provides advice and support to decision makers toward making responsible resource, land use, environment, social and economic development decisions for the province. The Manitoba Round Table is an integral component of the province’s sustainable development strategy.

Members of the Manitoba Round Table are appointed by the Minister of Conservation through Order-in-Council. They represent a broad range of experience and technical expertise, as well as regions and sectors of the province to assist government in making informed decisions on implementing sustainable strategies in communities and regions across the province. To reflect government’s commitment to sustainable development and to emphasize the cross-departmental responsibilities associated with its implementation, a number of cabinet ministers serve as members of the Manitoba Round Table.


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Members of the Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development

(As of June 2005)

Minister of Conservation – Chair
(Honourable Stan Struthers)

Minister of Water Stewardship
(Honourable Steve Ashton )

Minister of Education, Citizenship and Youth
(Honourable Peter Bjornson)

Minister of Energy, Science and Technology
(Honourable Dave Chomiak)

Minister of Transportation and Government Services
(Honourable Ron Lemieux)

Minister of Industry, Economic Development and Mines
(Honourable Jim Rondeau)

Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
(Honourable Scott Smith)

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
(Honourable Rosann Wowchuk)

Rob Altemeyer – MLA for Wolseley

Marilyn Brick – MLA for St. Norbert

Jim Beckta has extensive experience in Community Economic Development for the Canadian International Development Agency in Tanzania .

Rachel Boone has been involved in the impact assessment of MB Hydro Keeyask and Conawapa Generating Stations.

Brian Brauer is currently serving on the board of the Brandon Area Environmental Council.

Cindy Choy is an architectural intern at Gaboury Prefontaine Pery Architecture.  She is the Programs Committee Chair of the Manitoba Green Building Council.

C. Stuart Clark, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, is the founder and past president of Earthbound Environmental – integrated waste management.

Derek Dabee works with Tourism/Travel Manitoba Information Distribution Centre.  He volunteers as Community Centre Activities Organizer, City of Winnipeg .

Lissa Donner, Vice-Chair, has served in Manitoba ’s Clean Environment Commission since July, 2001.

Zack Gross was formerly Executive Director of the Marquis project in Brandon and is now Program Co-ordinator of the Manitoba Council for International Co-operation, based in Winnipeg .  MCIC is a coalition of 35 international development organizations active in Manitoba .

Angela Heese has been involved with hydrology and habitat surveys on water crossings along fibre optic communication cable routes within Manitoba .

Kristina Hunter has been involved with Manitoba Environmental Industries Association and a number of other environmental organizations.

Barbara Katic is a Black River First Nation teacher.  She has worked with the Manitoba Model Forests.

Roselle Miko is currently researching energy efficiency programming for low-income groups.

Roxanne Nayaris the program coordinator for River and Osborne Community Center, and the Parkland Mews and Bird of Prey Education Centre.

Stephanie Obsniuk volunteers at Concordia Hospital .

Karen Peters is a board member of the Earthshare Agricultural Cooperative, Grower Prospects Inc.

Lisa Quinn is Coordinator of the Winnipeg Chapter of the Red River Valley Clean Cities Coalition.  Ms. Quinn is also on the board of directors for RCM.

Ed Rzeszutek is retired.  He was formerly the Manager of Grounds and General Services at the University of Manitoba .

Todd Scarth is presently a consultant and a former Director of Manitoba’s Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Natalie Seaba is an Environmental Affairs Coordinator at the Red River College and a Gimli Harbour consultant.

Leanne Shewchuk is working with the Winnipeg Airport Authorities on green issues.

Stacy Soldier is a member of the Aboriginal Youth Advisory Committee.

Scott Tibble owns various business ventures.  He is the owner of a cow calf operation near Swan River and the Swan River Dairy Queen.

Aynsley Toews develops curriculum and programming at the Fort Whyte Centre.

Dr. Vedanand is actively involved in researching issues of conservation, commercialization and environmental degradation.

Felix Walker is Director of the new Family and Community Wellness Centre in Nelson House.

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What Do We Do?

The Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development was established in law upon proclamation of The Sustainable Development Act on July 1, 1998 to promote sustainable development in Manitoba and provide advice and recommendations to government in accordance with The Sustainable Development Act.

Duties of the Manitoba Round Table include:

  • creating awareness and understanding of sustainable development by the citizens of Manitoba;
  • cooperating with public sector organizations, private industry, non-government organizations and citizens to share knowledge and experience;
  • reviewing the principles and guidelines of sustainable development;
  • advising on the development of, and reviewing the Sustainable Development Strategy;
  • advising on the development and review of sustainability indicators;
  • at the request of the minister, reviewing existing or proposed policy, legislation, regulations or programs for consistency with the principles and guidelines, and reporting to the minister with recommendations for his or her considerations;
  • establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating implementation of sustainable development strategies and activities; and
  • any other task or activity related to sustainable development, at the request of the minister.

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How Do We Work?

Under The Sustainable Development Act, the Manitoba Round Table has a number of powers. The Manitoba Round Table may:

  • make its own rules of procedure, including procedures of committees;
  • identify, promote and encourage projects and activities that exemplify sustainable development practices;
  • initiate, sponsor and support seminars, workshops, and conferences related to sustainable development;
  • conduct studies and investigations, and advise and make recommendations to the minister, on matters related to sustainable development, other than matters involving the gathering of evidence to determine whether or not specific persons or bodies are complying with the provisions of the Act and the regulations;
  • publish reports and other materials; and
  • do all things necessary to the effective carrying out of its duties under the Act.

Decision-making is by consensus. This is interpreted to mean no significant dissent, all participants support the resolution of the package of issues with possible concerns in certain areas.

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For more information on the Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development, please contact:

Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development
Manitoba Conservation
160-123 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1A5
Telephone: (204) 945-1869
Fax: (204) 948-2357

Last updated January 2006


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Manitoba Round Table Annual Reports

Annual Report 2002-2003 (English - 206Kb PDF)
Annual Report 2002-2003 (en français - 241 Kb PDF)
Annual Report 2001-2002 (English - 62Kb PDF)

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