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Information Technology Council

Mission Statement

To provide input into the direction of corporate business solutions being proposed and implemented within the Government of Manitoba.


  • Provide government with the ability to facilitate the needs of corporate business solutions, and the needs of individual departmental business solutions, through the appropriate application of Information Technology.
  • Development of recommendations for consideration by the Office of Information Technology on issues relating to corporate business solutions.
  • Advise government on strategic information technology planning, management and implementation.
  • Demonstrate leadership in the application of technology.
  • Represent the interests of the Government of Manitoba Information Systems community.
  • Foster an environment of cooperation and coordination within the Information Systems community.
  • Ensure the most effective and efficient application of efforts in the technological community.

Strategic Activities

  • Develop and maintain a working relationship between the Office of Information Technology and the ITC.
  • Develop and maintain an advisory relationship between the ITC and all corporate initiatives.
  • Official representation on the Management Committees of each Government of Manitoba corporate business solution.
  • Formation of sub-committees to target specific issues requiring attention.
  • Provide a forum for the development and resolution of issues related to the Information Systems community.
  • Identify and maximize the use of "nodes of expertise" within government which can be leveraged against individual departmental initiatives.


Voting Members:

  • One senior Information Technology representative from each department within government.

Non-Voting Members:

  • The Office of Information Technology is invited to attend meetings as a guest to the ITC.
  • Invitations will be made in advance to non-members as required.


Reporting Structure

ITC Executive

  • A chair and co-chairperson are elected from within the Council by the official members.
  • The chair will be elected on a one year term basis.
  • The current chair will assume the role of past-chair for the upcoming year and will sit as part of the ITC executive.
  • The co-chair will assume the chairperson’s position. A new co-chair will be elected each year.
  • Secretary to the council will be provided by the chair.


  • Sub-committees will be established on an as required basis for specific ITC projects.
  • Sub-committees are to be chaired (co-chaired) by council members.


  • Motions are to be submitted prior to scheduled meetings, and will be included in the meeting agenda.
  • A minimum of 50% of the total number of voting members must be present for any motion to be valid.
  • Motions before the council require agreement of two-thirds, or 66% of the voting members in attendance.
  • Results of tabled motions will be accepted as the official ITC recommendation or opinion, as long as the above conditions have been met.


  • The chair will act as official liaison for the ITC.



  • Scheduled for every second Thursday of each month, commencing at 9:00am for approximately 2 to 3 hours. Location to be secured by the Secretary of the council.
  • An agenda is expected two days in advance of the scheduled meetings.

Council Dues

  • Members of the council will be required to submit dues required to cover the costs of meetings, workshops and special events sponsored by the council.
  • The annual amount of these dues shall be calculated near the end of each fiscal year and divided proportionally back to each department participating in the council.

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