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Fraser Forum - November 06
November 2006 - Sensible Solutions for Difficult Problems

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  • Fraser Forum: A review of public policy topics.
  • Critical Issues Bulletins: Full-length research papers.
  • Books: In-depth analysis of key policy issues.
  • Public Policy Source Papers: Short papers focusing on one topic.
  • Studies in Education Policy: School choice and performance.
  • Fraser Institute Surveys: Surveys of key sectors.
  • Canadian Student Review: For students by students.
  • Digital Publications: Shorter research papers available only in electronic format.
  • Conference Papers: Transcripts and paper from recent Fraser Institute events.Use this menu for a chronological listing of Fraser Institute publications by type.

Use this menu for a chronological listing of Fraser Institute publications by type.

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Recent Publications

 Une Économie Plus Dynamique dans un Canada Fort et Prospère
  Manning and Harris lay out ideas to improve Canadians’ economic freedom and prosperity
  Date Published: November 2006
 Building Prosperity in a Canada Strong & Free
  Manning and Harris lay out ideas to improve Canadians’ economic freedom and prosperity
  Date Published: November 2006
 November 2006 - Sensible Solutions for Difficult Problems
  The November 2006 Fraser Forum looks at economic freedom and sensible solutions for difficult problems.
  Date Published: November 2006
 Canadian Government Debt 2006
A Guide to the Indebtedness of Canada and the Provinces
  Canadian government debt stands $2.7 trillion with each taxpayer owing $171,000
  Date Published: November 2006

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