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November 2006 - Sensible Solutions for Difficult Problems

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Available Publications


Economic Freedom

1.April 2006 - Developing Prosperity in the Middle East
2.Canadian Student Review - Summer 2004
3.Canadian Student Review - Winter 2004
4.Celebrating Freedom: His Excellency Vaclav Klaus
5.Economic Freedom of North America
6.Economic Freedom of North America, 2004 Annual Report
7.Economic Freedom of North America: 2005 Annual Report
8.Economic Freedom of the World, 2004 Annual Report
9.Economic Freedom of the World: 2000 Annual Report
10.Economic Freedom of the World: 2001 Annual Report
11.Economic Freedom of the World: 2002 Annual Report
12.Economic Freedom of the World: 2003 Annual Report
13.Economic Freedom of the World: 2005 Annual Report
14.Economic Freedom of the World: 2006 Annual Report
15.Economic Freedom Toward a Theory of Measurement
16.Freedom Democracy and Economic Welfare
17.June 2003 - Creating Prosperity Through Economic Freedom
18.November 2005 - Creating peace, prosperity, and human happiness
19.November 2006 - Sensible Solutions for Difficult Problems
20.October 2000 - Welfare Adequacy & Alternatives
21.Provincial Economic Freedom in Canada 1981–1998


22.Can the Market Save Our Schools?
23.Canadian Student Review - December 2001
24.Canadian Student Review - October 2003
25.Canadian Student Review - Spring 2006
26.Fraser Forum - Better Schools for Every Child
27.Home Schooling: From the Extreme to the Mainstream
28.June 2001 - Children's Issues
29.Let the Funding Follow the Children: A Solution for Special Education in Ontario
30.Rewarding University Professors: A Performance Based Approach
31.September 2000 - Paying the Price for Public Education
32.September 2001 - No Apple for Education Policy
33.September 2002 - Greater Returns on our Investment in Education
34.September 2003 - Who Owns Your Education?
35.September 2006 - Improving Our Schools
36.September Forum - Yukon Schools Ranked
37.The $100,000,000 Giveaway: Who Says Education Doesn't Get Enough Money?
38.The Canadian Education Freedom Index
39.The Case for School Choice
40.The School Choice Experience: Findings of the Children First: School Choice Trust Parent Survey
41.Why Canadian Education Isn't Improving


42.Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2001/2002
43.April 03 - Towards a Market-Friendly Earth Day
44.April 2000 - Taking Stock of Environmentalism
45.April 2001 - Environmental Solutions
46.April 2002 - Environmental Questions for the 21st Century
47.April 2005 - Critical Thinking on Risk and the Environment
48.Biotechnology and Food for Canadians
49.Canadian Student Review - Spring 2005
50.Canadian Student Review – December 2002
51.Canadian Student Review- September/October 2002
52.Crying Wolf?
53.Environmental Indicators (4th Edition)
54.Environmental Indicators (5th Edition)
55.Environmental Indicators (Sixth Edition)
56.Environmental Indicators for Canada and the United States
57.Environmental Indicators for Canada and the United States
58.Environmental Indicators for North America and the United Kingdom
59.Facts Not Fear
60.Fish or Cut Bait!
61.Fraser Forum April 04 - Celebrating Earth or Continuing Alarm?
62.Global Warming: A Guide to the Science
63.Global Warming: The Science and the Politics
64.Greenhouse Gas Reductions: Not Warranted, Not Beneficial
65.January 2003 - The Politics, Science, and Economics of Kyoto
66.Managing Fish: Ten Case Studies from Canada's Pacific Coast
67.Misconceptions About the Causes of Cancer
68.Off Limits: How Radical Environmentalists are Shutting Down Canada's National Parks
69.The Reality of Children's Risk in Canada
70.The Science Isn't Settled: The Limitations of Global Climate Models
71.The State of Urban Air in Canada

Fiscal Policy

72.20% Foreign Property Rule: Increasing Risk and Decreasing Returns on RRSPs and RPPs
73.A Canada Strong and Free
74.A New Pension Deal for Alberta
75.An Empirical Comparison of Labour Relations Laws in Canada and the United States
76.April 2002 - Q & A
77.Bank Mergers: The Rational Consolidation of Banking in Canada
78.Canada's Place in the World - Michael D. Harris
79.Canadian Government Debt 1998
80.Canadian Government Debt 1999
81.Canadian Government Debt 2003: A Guide to the Indebtedness of Canada and the Provinces
82.Canadian Provincial Investment Climate Report: 2006 Edition
83.Canadian Public Spending: The Case for Smaller More Efficient Government
84.Canadian Student Review - February 2001
85.Commissions Unbound: The Changed Status of Securities Regulators in Canada
86.December 2000 - Democracy's Evolution in the Digital World
87.December 2001 - Q & A
88.Évaluation de la performance du gouvernement du Parti québécois 1994–1998
89.February 2006 Forum - Fiscal Performance Index
90.Federal Regulatory Reform: Rhetoric or Reality?
91.Flat Tax: Principles and Issues
92.Fraser Forum Feb 04
93.Fraser Forum Jan 04 - Reasons for Economic Optimism
94.Fraser Forum March 04 - Families and the State
95.Fraser Institute Fiscal Performance Index 1999
96.Government Failure in Canada, 1997-2004: A Survey of Reports from the Auditor General
97.Government Failure in Canada, 2005 Report: A Review of the Auditor General's Reports, 1992-2005
98.Government-Sponsored Training Programs: Failure in the US, Lessons for Canada
99.Growing Small Businesses in Canada: Removing the Tax Barrier
100.Home On the Urban Range
101.How to Use the Fiscal Surplus
102.January 2001 - How Tax Cuts Promote Growth
103.January 2002 - Q & A
104.July & August 2005 - Tough Talk on Taxes
105.July 2000 - Tax Freedom Day
106.July 2001 - Celebrating Tax Freedom Day
107.July 2001 - Q & A
108.July 2002 - Tax Freedom Day
109.July 2003 - Celebrating Tax Freedom Day
110.July 2004 - Tax Freedom Day
111.July and August 2006 - Tax Freedom Day is Here
112.June 2000 - Do Sanctions Work
113.March 2002 - Q & A
114.May 2001 - Agenda for Prosperity & Change
115.May 2006 - Labour Regulation and Unionization
116.Measuring Development: An Index of Human Progress
117.Measuring Labour Markets in Canada and the United States, 2003 Edition
118.Measuring Labour Markets in Canada and the United States: 2004 Edition
119.Money and Monetary Policy for the 21st Century
120.November 2001 - Q & A
121.November 2003 - Unleashing Provincial Innovation
122.November Forum - Investment Managers Survey
123.October 2000 - Welfare Adequacy & Alternatives
124.Ontario Prosperity, Is Best of Second Best Good Enough?
125.Productivity and Economic Performance: An Overview of the Issues
126.Productivity, Prosperity, and Business Taxes
127.Provincial Economic Freedom in Canada 1981–1998
128.Quebec Prosperity: Taking the Next Step
129.Returning BC to Prosperity
130.Saskatchewan Prosperity: Taking the Next Step
131.Securities Market Regulation in Canada
132.September 2001 - Q & A
133.Surveying US and Canadian Welfare Reform
134.Tax and Expenditure Limitations: The Next Step in Fiscal Discipline
135.Tax Facts 12
136.Tax Facts 13
137.Tax Facts 14
138.Tax Reform in Canada
139.Tax Reform in Canada: Our Path to Greater Prosperity
140.The Adequacy of Welfare Benefits in Canada
141.The Budget Performance Index 2000
142.The Case for the Amero
143.The Case of BC Hydro: A Blueprint for Privatization
144.The Corporate Capital Tax: Canada's Most Damaging Tax
145.The Economics of Minimum Wage Laws
146.The Governance of the Ontario Securities Commission: Lessons from International Comparisons
147.The Government of British Columbia, 1991-1998
148.The Harris Government: A Mid-Term Review
149.The Transparency of Labour Relations Boards in Canada and the United States
150.Union Disclosure in Canada and the United States
151.Unionization and Economic Performance: Evidence on Productivity, Profits, Investment, and Growth
152.Unlocking Canadian Capital
153.Using Cash Rebates for Tax Relief Without Risk
154.Welfare in Saskatchewan: A Critical Evaluation
155.Welfare Reform in British Columbia: A Report Card
156.What Everyone Should Know About Economics and Prosperity


157.20 / 21 Vision: Twentieth Century Lessons for the Twenty-first Century - Bill Emmott, Editor, The Economist
158.A Hand Out Instead of a Hand Up: Where Foreign Aid Fails
159.A Principled Analysis of the Nisga'a Treaty
160.Aboriginal Land Claims in British Columbia: Serious Concerns About the Nisga’a Deal
161.Au Service des Canadiens
162.B.C. and Canada: The Old Ways and New -- The Mel Smith Lecture
163.Beyond the Nass Valley
164.Building Prosperity in a Canada Strong & Free
165.Canada's Immigration Policy: The Need for Major Reform
166.Canada's Military Posture: An Analysis of Recent Civilian Reports
167.Canadian Civil Aviation Security: Improving Command and Control
168.Canadian Student Review - March/April 2004
169.Canadian Student Review - Summer/Fall 2005
170.Caring for Canadians
171.Challenges in Senate Reform: Conflicts of Interest, Unintended Consequences, New Possibilities
172.Comments on the Draft Nisga'a Treaty
173.Democratic Reform Series, Part I - VIII
174.February Forum - Budget Performance Index, 2005
175.Finally! Reforming Politics: The BC Blueprint
176.Fixing Canadian Democracy
177.Individual Property Rights on Canadian Indian Reserves
178.June 2002 - Considering the BC Native Land Claim Process
179.Mandate for Leadership for the New Prime Minister
180.March 03 - Business and Border Security
181.March 2005 - Fixing the Canadian - US Relationship
182.May 2000 - Is Canada Governed Well?
183.May 2003 - Transparency for an Effective Democracy
184.May 2004 - Defending Canada
185.November 2000 - Aboriginal Policy: From Conflict to Solutions
186.October 2004 - Canada's Democracy Gap
187.Perspectives on Canada from an Ex-citizen
188.Principles for Treaty Making
189.Privacy and Security in an Age of Terrorism
190.Rebalanced & Revitalized
191.Science Fiction or Science Fact? The Grizzly Biology behind Parks Canada Management Models
192.Shifting Priorities: From Deficit Spending to Paying down the Debt and Lowering Taxes
193.Some Perspectives on the Origin and Meaning of Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982
194.The Canadian Garrison Mentality and Anti-Americanism at the CBC
195.The Need for Canadian Strategic Lift
196.The Privatization of Liquor Retailing in Alberta
197.The Uneasy Case for Uniting the Right
198.Understanding the Nisga’a Agreement and Looking at Alternatives
199.Une Économie Plus Dynamique dans un Canada Fort et Prospère
200.Une Gouvernance Renouvelée et Rééquilibrée
201.Unholy Terror: The Origin and Significance of Contemporary, Religion-based Terrorism


202.A Cure Worse Than the Illness
203.Alternative Medicine in Canada: Use and Public Attitudes
204.August 2000 - Spend More, Wait Less?
205.August 2002 - How Good is Canadian Health Care?
206.Canadian Student Review - December 2003
207.Canadian Student Review - Summer 2006
208.Canadian Student Review - Winter 2005
209.February 2002 - Q & A
210.Health Care Waiting List Initiatives in Sweden
211.Healthy Incentives
212.How Good is Canadian Health Care? 2004 Report
213.How Good is Canadian Health Care? 2005 Report
214.How Private Hospital Competition Can Improve Canadian Health Care
215.Making Health Spending Work
216.March 2006 - Solutions for Health Care Issues
217.Medical Savings Accounts
218.Medically Uninsured Americans: Evidence on Magnitude and Implications
219.Miracle Cure: How to Solve America's Health Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn't the Answer
220.Moving Beyond the Status Quo: Alberta's Working Prescription for Health Care Reform
221.October 2005 - Letting the Market Save Medicare
222.The Alberta Health Care Advantage: An Accessible, High Quality, and Sustainable System
223.The Availability of Medical Technology in Canada: An International Comparative Study
224.The Rebirth of Medicare in Saskatchewan: Steps Toward an Accessible, High Quality, and Sustainable Health Care System
225.The Swedish Health Care System
226.Waiting Your Turn (10th Edition)
227.Waiting Your Turn (11th Edition)
228.Waiting Your Turn (8th Edition)
229.Waiting Your Turn (9th Edition)
230.Waiting Your Turn, Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada (14th Edition)
231.Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada (12th Edition)
232.Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada (13th Edition)
233.Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada, 15th Edition
234.Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada, 16th Edition

Law Markets

235.August 2003 - Judicial Accountability in Canada
236.Beyond the Nass Valley
237.Competitive Strategies for the Protection of Intellectual Property
238.Dec 05 and Jan 06 Forum - 2005 Generosity Index
239.October 2002 - Do Judges Make Good Policy?
240.The Perfect Food in a Perfect Mess: The Cost of Milk in Canada
241.The Underground Economy: Global Evidence of Its Size and Impact

Non-profit Studies

242.1999 Private Charitable Generosity index
243.December 2001 - Charity in Society
244.December 2002 - Private Charity Versus the Welfare State
245.December 2003 - Has Charity Changed?
246.December/January Forum - 2004 Generosity Index
247.Preserving Independence: Does the Canadian Voluntary Sector need a Voluntary Sector Commission?

Pharmaceutical Policy

248.Briefing to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health on Prescription Drugs
249.Canadian Student Review - June 2003
250.February 2001 - Patents, Patients & Prescription Drugs
251.February 2002 - Government in the Medicine Cabinet
252.February 2003 - Medicines and Markets
253.Generic Drugopoly: Why Non-patented Prescription Drugs Cost More in Canada than in the United States and Europe
254.June 2005 - Prescriptions for Rational Pharmaceutical Policy
255.June 2006 - A Few Facts about Prescription Drug Policy
256.October 2000 - Welfare Adequacy & Alternatives
257.Prescription Drug Prices in Canada and the United States -- Part 1
258.Prescription Drug Prices in Canada and the United States -- Part 2
259.Prescription Drug Prices in Canada and the United States--Part 3
260.Prescription Drug Prices in Cda & the US - Part 4, Canadian Prescriptions for American Patients Are Not the Solution
261.Price Controls, Patents, and Cross-Border Internet Pharmacies: Risks to Canada's Drug Supply and International Trading Relations
262.The Fantasy of Reference Pricing and the Promise of Choice in BC's Pharmacare


263.Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2001/2002
264.Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2002/2003
265.Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2003/2004
266.Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2004/2005
267.Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2005/2006
268.August 2001 - Canada's Regulatory Burden
269.Avoiding the Maple Syrup Solution: Comments on the Restructuring of Canada's Airline Industry
270.Biotechnology and Food for Canadians
271.Canadian Student Review – March 2003
272.Crying Wolf?
273.Fish or Cut Bait!
274.Fraser Forum - Canadian Content Regulations:The Intrusive State At Work
275.January 2002 - Risks and Regulation
276.November 2001 - Making Labour Markets Work
277.October 2006 - Ideas About Insurance
278.Safe Enough?
279.Vehicle Emissions Testing

School Report Cards

280.Boys, Girls, and Grades: Academic Gender Balance in British Columbia Secondary Schools
281.Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec Édition 2000
282.Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec Édition 2001
283.Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec: Édition 2005
284.Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec: Édition 2006
285.Bulletin des écoles secondaires francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick: Edition 2004
286.Report Card on Aboriginal Education in British Columbia
287.Report Card on Aboriginal Education in British Columbia: 2006 Edition
288.Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools: 2002 Edition
289.Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools: 2003 Edition
290.Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools: 2004 Edition
291.Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools: 2005 Edition
292.Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools: 2006 Edition
293.Report Card on Alberta's High Schools, 2005 Edition
294.Report Card on Alberta's High Schools: 2001 Edition
295.Report Card on Alberta's High Schools: 2002 Edition
296.Report Card on Alberta's High Schools: 2003 Edition
297.Report Card on Alberta's High Schools: 2004 Edition
298.Report Card on Alberta's High Schools: 2006 Edition
299.Report Card on British Columbia's Elementary Schools, 2004 Edition
300.Report Card on British Columbia's Elementary Schools: 2003 Edition
301.Report Card on British Columbia's Elementary Schools: 2005 Edition
302.Report Card on British Columbia's Elementary Schools: 2006 Edition
303.Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools: 2002 Edition
304.Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools: 2003 Edition
305.Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools: 2004 Edition
306.Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools: 2005 Edition
307.Report Card on British Columbia’s Secondary Schools: 2001 Edition
308.Report Card on New Brunswick's Anglophone High Schools: 2004 Edition
309.Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools: 2003 Edition
310.Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools: 2004 Edition
311.Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools: 2005 Edition
312.Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools: 2006 Edition
313.Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools: 2001 Edition
314.Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2000 Edition
315.Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2002 Edition
316.Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2003 Edition
317.Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2004 Edition
318.Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools: 2001 Edition
319.Report Card on Secondary Schools in British Columbia and Yukon: 2006 Edition
320.Second Annual Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools
321.The 1999 Report Card on Alberta's High Schools
322.The 1999 Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools
323.Third Annual Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools
324.Yukon Schools Ranked

Social Affairs

325.Canada's Dysfunctional Refugee Determination System
326.Canadian Living Standards
327.Exploding Population Myths
328.Gun Control is Not Crime Control
329.Immigration and the Welfare State in Canada: Growing Conflicts, Constructive Solutions
330.Liam Donnelly’s Conviction by Prejudice: Lessons for Harassment Policy
331.March 2001 - Crime & Punishment
332.Marijuana Growth in British Columbia
333.May 2005 - Caring For Kids: Child Care Choices
334.Measuring Poverty in Canada
335.November 2002 - Taming Media Myths
336.October 2000 - Welfare Adequacy & Alternatives
337.October 2001 - Creating Opportunities for the Poor
338.October 2001 - Q & A
339.October 2003 - Freedom in the Press
340.Policing Alberta: An Analysis of the Alternatives to the Federal Provision of Police Services
341.Privatizing Correctional Services
342.The "Third way": Marketing Mirage or Trojan Horse?
343.The Costs of Crime: Who Pays and How Much?
344.The Failed Experiment: Gun Control and Public Safety in Canada, Australia, England and Wales
345.The History of Tobacco Regulation

Trade and Globalization

346.Canadian Student Review - April/May 2001
347.Canadian Student Review - April/May 2002
348.Canadian Student Review - Fall 2004
349.Debunking the Myths: A Review of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement and the North America Free Trade Agreement
350.Index of Human Progress
351.June 2004 - Canada-US Trade: Reflection & Anticipation
352.March 2002 - Creating a North America Frontier
353.May 2002 - The Benefits of Globalization
354.The Unseen Wall: The Fraser Institute's 2003 Trade Survey

For further information contact:

Cheryl Rutledge
Publications Co-ordinator
Phone: (604) 688-0221 ext.580
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