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Manitoba Civil Service Commission


Policy Statement
General Provisions
Disciplinary Action
Specific Provisions for the Department/ Agency/ Board/ Commission (if applicable)
Questions and Answers


On March 1, 1984 conflict of interest guidelines were introduced to apply to all Manitoba Government employees. On June 26, 1996 the guidelines were amended to clearly apply to Deputy Ministers and equivalents. The guidelines, shown below, are an important and necessary policy for Government and its employees.

By providing clear standards of employee conduct, the guidelines aim at safeguarding the public interest. Stated simply, the intent is to prevent employees from using, or appearing to use, public office for private gain.

Balancing the protection of the public interest, the guidelines also provide protection to the employee. At the outset of the policy the Government reaffirms its support of the right of public employees to participate in the community as citizens of the community. By stating clearly the standards of conduct expected of employees the guidelines serve as a preventative measure so that employees do not inadvertently place themselves in a position of conflict of interest. Furthermore, the sections dealing with disclosure and appeals provide employees with avenues to clarify and resolve issues before they become a problem.

As you read through these conflict of interest guidelines you will find that they are basically founded on common sense. Their aim is not to interfere needlessly with legitimate personal activities of public servants. Rather, they seek to strike a balance between the legitimate protection of the public interest and the protection of the employee's interest.

  1. The Government supports the right of public employees to be involved in community projects and activities as citizens of the community.
  2. Notwithstanding this principle, employees should bear in mind that the public service is entrusted with the protection of the public interest in many significant areas of our society. In view of the importance of this trust, it is essential that employees maintain high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality and conduct. Employees must be constantly aware of the need to avoid situations which might result in actual or apparent misconduct or conflicts of interest, and to conduct themselves accordingly.
  3. For these reasons, employees shall at all times abide by the standards of official and personal conduct set forth in this Policy Statement and in their Oath of Office.
  4. The provisions herein are in addition to and in no way derogate from the provisions of the Acts, any other statute, rule or statement which applies to members of the Provincial Civil Service, including Section 121 of the Criminal Code.

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Whether or not specifically prohibited by these rules, employees should avoid acting in any manner which might result in or create the appearance of using public office for private gain.

  1. Employees shall not engage directly or indirectly in any personal business transaction or private arrangement for personal profit which accrues from or is based upon their official position or authority or upon confidential or non-public information which they gain by reason of such position or authority.
  2. Employees shall not divulge confidential or restricted information to any unauthorized person or release such information in advance of authorization for its release.
  3. Employees shall not act in any official matter where there is a personal interest which is incompatible with an unbiased exercise of official judgment.
  4. Employees shall not have direct or indirect personal business or financial activities which conflict with their official duties and responsibilities.
  5. Employees shall not place themselves in a position where they are under obligation to any person or organization who might benefit from improper consideration or favour on their part or seek in any way to gain improper treatment from them in the discharge of their official duties and responsibilities.
  1. Employees are responsible to disclose to their Deputy Minister, or other designated manager, any situation or matter where they have a conflict of interest or the foreseeable potential for a conflict of interest. In the case of a Deputy Minister or equivalent, disclosure will be to the Clerk of Executive Council.
  2. Employees who wish to obtain clarification from their Department when a situation arises that may appear to conflict with this policy may request such a clarification from the Deputy Minister (or designate) of their Department. In the case of a Deputy Minister or equivalent, such clarification may be obtained through the Clerk of Executive Council.
  3. Formal disclosure statements are to be made in writing by the employee and addressed as "confidential" to the Deputy Minister or designate, or in the case of a Deputy Minister or equivalent, to the Clerk of Executive Council.

Employees will thereafter be advised of steps, if any, that must be taken to avoid a conflict of interest with their duties.

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  1. An employee who disputes the application of these guidelines within their Department may appeal such application(s) to the Deputy Minister of the Department, or in the case of a Deputy Minister or equivalent, to the Clerk of Executive Council.
  2. An employee who disputes a decision regarding these guidelines from the Deputy Minister of their Department, or a Deputy Minister who disputes a decision from the Clerk of Executive Council, may appeal such decision to the Civil Service Commission (as defined under Section 4(1) of The Civil Service Act). The decision of the Civil Service Commission shall be final.
  3. The employee, at his/her option, may have a representative present at the appeal.

Departure from any of these rules by employees without the specific prior approval of the Deputy Minister, or designate as appropriate, or in the case of a Deputy Minister or equivalent, the Clerk of Executive Council, may be cause for disciplinary action.


While the guidelines mentioned in Section B should be sufficient to protect against conflict of interest in the vast majority of cases, Departments or agencies may feel the need to develop specific conflict of interest guidelines of their own. These may be in response to particular statutory requirements, specific operational requirements or problems unique to a particular Department or agency.

In such cases, specific Departmental or agency guidelines may be appended to the general guidelines under Section F. The addition of such a guideline may only be done with the express approval of the Department's Deputy Minister.

When a specific Departmental or agency guideline is approved, written notice of it will be provided to all affected employees.


Questions concerning the interpretation, application or administration of specific provisions under the Policy Guidelines should be addressed to the Labour Relations Division, Treasury Board Secretariat.

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Following are a few answers to some of the most commonly asked questions with regard to the guidelines. If you have any questions which are not answered by this brochure, please contact your Departmental Personnel Office.


What should I do if I am not sure whether I have a possible conflict of interest?


First, discuss the situation with your manager. Your manager may be able to determine whether the situation is a potential conflict of interest and, if so, could advise you of steps to take to avoid a conflict of interest with your duties.

If the situation cannot be resolved at the local level, you should make a disclosure statement to the Deputy Minister, or other designated manager, as provided in Section C of the guidelines. You can request clarification of your situation and are entitled to be advised of steps that you should take to avoid a conflict of interest with your duties.

In short, whenever you are in doubt with regard to conflict of interest, disclose the situation and seek advice.


How do I "disclose" an interest?


You should make disclosure statements in writing to the Deputy Minister or other designated manager. If you are unsure as to how to express yourself in a disclosure statement, talk it over with your manager or the Departmental Personnel office, They may be able to help you.

You may also approach your Union or Association representative for assistance, if you wish.


How will I know if I should disclose an interest to someone other than the Deputy Minister?


You will receive written notice from your Department as to the proper authorities who will be responsible for receiving disclosure statements.


Will the disclosure statements be treated confidentially?


Disclosure statements will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Conflict Of Interest Policy
(Amended June 1996)
Manitoba Civil Service Commission

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