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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
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Professional Programs - students at a computerEducation

Sector Structure

Four public universities, three public colleges, numerous private vocational institutions, and a vast number of public and independent primary and secondary schools educate and train Manitobans in a multitude of disciplines and skills, equipping them with the knowledge required for success in an ever-changing labour market. Many of Manitoba's educational institutions work closely with industry in setting curriculum and providing specialized training for particular corporate needs.

Top of the pageHighlights

Manitoba schools, colleges and universities welcome international students, and offer a range of support services, including English as a Second Language and homestay programs. Manitoba graduates can be found in successful careers across the country and around the world.

  • The University of Manitoba is recognized as one of Canada's leading research and teaching universities. The University offers 79 degrees, diplomas and certificates, 51 of which are undergraduate degrees.

  • The University of Winnipeg is unique in Canada. Its three distinct units – the University, the Collegiate Division, and the Continuing Education Division – provide students with the option of pursuing a university degree, a high school diploma, or numerous professional development diploma/certificate programs.

  • Brandon University is located in Manitoba’s second largest city and has gained a reputation over the past half century as having one of the finest schools of music in Canada.

  • Le Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface offers a number of degree and diploma programs delivered entirely in French.

  • Through offices like its Contract Training, Technology Solutions for the Workplace, Language Training Centre, and its International Education Office, Red River College develops specialized training programs and can deliver such programs throughout the world.

  • University College of the North serves Manitoba’s northern communities and offers a number of programs unique to Manitoba.

Elementary SchoolTop of the pageSector Capabilities

  • Elementary through Secondary School – Students aged 5 to 19 can choose to attend one of Manitoba’s excellent public or independent schools. Manitoba’s schools offer first-rate academic programs and stimulating extra-curricular activities in safe and caring environments. All schools teach courses approved and/or developed by the Manitoba Government.

  • Manitoba’s Kindergarten to Senior 4 (Grade 12) curricula are also available through a small number of affiliated schools located overseas.

  • Colleges – Manitoba’s colleges offer programs that combine theoretical knowledge with practical training and work experience. By working closely with industry, Manitoba colleges provide current, advanced skills that are in demand in industry.

  • Universities – Manitoba’s universities offer undergraduate, graduate, pre-professional and professional degree programs taught by some of the world’s leading experts in their fields. Students have access to current information technology as well as state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities.

Top of the pageCompetitive Strengths

  • Top Notch Education at a Reasonable Price – Manitoba offers educational programs that open doors to success and achievement. The province’s teachers and professors are first-rate and its classrooms and research facilities are state-of-the-art. In Manitoba, students can receive an excellent education at a reasonable cost.

  • Preparing for Success by Studying English or French as a Second Language – Manitoba has several outstanding programs and schools where students can pursue English or French as a Second Language, and where students can experience true English or French language immersion. These language programs provide the fluency required for work, study or personal communication.

  • Meeting the Needs of Learners through Customized Training Programs – Manitoba’s educational institutions offer custom-tailored training for small and large groups. Schools, colleges and universities will design courses and programs to help educational institutions, corporations and governments achieve their learning goals. Customized training programs can be delivered in Manitoba or offshore.

  • Reaching the World through Distance Education – A number of Manitoba’s high quality secondary and post-secondary courses are available through distance education. These courses can supplement studies in students’ home countries, prepare students for study in Canada, or allow non-residents to complete a program started in Manitoba. A few college and university certificates, diplomas and degree programs are offered entirely through distance education.

  • Excellent quality of life – Manitoba offers modern, dynamic urban centres with clean, safe communities. At the same time, open fields, immense blue skies and unspoiled wilderness are within easy reach.  The Province is home to people from diverse world cultures, and students young and old have the opportunity to make friends and contacts that last a lifetime. There are numerous and diverse sporting, recreational and cultural activities available throughout the province.

Top of the pageKey Players

Institution Enrolment

The University of Manitoba


University of Winnipeg


Brandon University


Le Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface


École technique et professionnelle


Red River College


Assiniboine Community College


University College of the North


* ACC also has over 7850 continuing education students (at campuses and training sites across the province).

Top of the pageContact

Manitoba International Education Branch
Federal-Provincial and International Relations
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
330 – 800 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3G 0N4

Tel: (204) 945-3335
Fax: (204) 945-1792

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