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Wind Turbine at St. Leon, ManitobaEnvironmental Industries

Sector Structure

Size: Industry revenues related specifically to environmental activities are estimated to exceed $350 million.  (Total revenues of firms operating in the environmental industry are estimated to exceed $650 million).  The industry employs approximately 5,400 persons (full-time equivalent).

Dominant Activities:

  • Monitoring or information processing
  • Laboratory analysis or services
  • Solid waste management or recycling
  • Waste and water treatment
  • Soil reclamation or remediation
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Air monitoring or control
  • Alternative energy

Top of the pageStructure & Concentration

The environmental industry includes those companies who produce goods or services related to measuring, preventing, limiting or correcting environmental damage to water, air, soil, as well as problems related to waste, noise and eco-systems. The industry also includes companies developing or marketing resource-efficient technologies that reduce material inputs, energy consumption, emissions and waste, when compared to traditional technologies.

There are over 350 companies operating in Manitoba’s environmental industry.

Top of the pageHighlights

  • Major export markets include the USA, Europe, South America, Central America and Asia.

  • Approximately 58% of establishments in the industry conduct environmental R&D.

  • Nearly 40% of firms conducting R&D expect to invest an average of $50,000 or more annually over the next three years.

Top of the pageSector Capabilities

  • Air
  • Bioremediation
  • Climate Change
  • Construction and Design
  • Education & Training
  • Environmental Consulting
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Law
  • Equipment & Supply
  • Health and Safety
  • Laboratory Services
  • Monitoring and Analysis
  • Recycling Services
  • Renewable Energy
  • Research & Development
  • Noise and Vibration
  • Solid Waste
  • Water / Wastewater

Top of the pageCompetitive Strengths

Diverse capabilities -- Manitoba has shown its capabilities locally and internationally in virtually every sub-sector of the environment industry.

Public commitment to sustainable development and natural resource stewardship -- The Manitoba government is committed to meeting and exceeding the Kyoto Protocol reduction targets as a part of a national greenhouse gas reduction strategy. It has taken a leadership role in developing initiatives to increase public education related to climate change issues, and in developing initiatives to encourage research, technology development/adoption for the reduction of greenhouse gases.

The Sustainable Development Act received royal assent in 1997 and came into force in 1998 to promote sustainability policies and practices throughout government and its crown corporations.

Presence of leading institutions – The industry is supported by national and international institutions that are acknowledged leaders in their field, including:

  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Brandon Research Centre – is a centre of expertise for land resource management in western Canada. Its multi-disciplinary team of scientists work to develop sustainable crop and livestock production systems.

  • Avalon Institute of Applied Science Inc. -- is a private academic institution that specializes in research, consulting and training in Environmental Science, Geological Sciences, Biological Sciences, Climate Change Modeling, Biotechnology, Engineering, Automation Systems and Information Technologies.

  • Canadian Atmospheric Protection Alliance -- is a unique not-for-profit alliance focused on providing solutions for ozone protection and climate change initiatives.

  • Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment -- The CCME is the major intergovernmental forum in Canada for discussion and joint action on environmental issues.

  • Centre for Earth Observation Studies, University of Manitoba – specializes in the study of geographic information sciences, earth observations and sustainable development.  The CEOS curriculum and research are multidisciplinary, with specific emphasis on the human aspect of environmental change.

  • Centre for Forest Interdisciplinary Research -- is a research centre at the University of Winnipeg dedicated to the development of interdisciplinary research, education, and training in the areas of forestry, forest ecosystems, forest values and the human uses of forests.

  • Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources -- is a national First Nation-directed environmental non-profit organisation that offers research, technical services, education and training in the areas of forests, climate change, water, and sustainability.

  • Centre for Sustainable Transportation -- provides leadership in achieving sustainable transportation in Canada. The Centre provides reliable information, research, education, and strategic policy advice.

  • Churchill Northern Studies Centre -- supports contract research projects including environmental contracts, computer database, cold weather equipment testing and auroral physics data collection.

  • Climate Studies Institute -- located at the University of Winnipeg, the Institute conducts and promotes multidisciplinary research of the global climate system and the ways that it affects, and is affected by humans.

  • Department of Applied Disaster and Emergency Studies, Brandon University –- provides the skills and knowledge necessary to enable graduates to intervene effectively in natural and man made disasters throughout the world. This is the only academic department of this type in Canada.

  • Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Manitoba -- provides education in environmental engineering, bioprocess engineering, biomedical engineering, and agriculture and natural resources. Research fields include environmental engineering, instrumentation, soil and water engineering, and bio-environments.

  • Department of Geography, Brandon University –- offers undergraduate degrees with programme concentrations in environmental studies, geomatics and water science.

  • Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba -- provides education in geology and geophysics, and conducts research in electron microbeam and image analysis, geochemistry, x-ray diffraction.

  • Ducks Unlimited Canada -- manages the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre, an internationally renowned public education centre in Manitoba dedicated to fostering knowledge of wetland ecosystems. The Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research is Ducks Unlimited's respected science and research arm.

  • Energy Services Alliance of Manitoba -- is a public/private partnership between private sector Manitoba companies and the Government of Manitoba dedicated to the development and use of sustainable sources of energy around the world.

  • Environmental Protection Technology Program, Red River College -- provides training in environmental protection technology within the contexts of water management; reuse/recycling; workplace health and safety; integrated project management; site investigation, reclamation, remediation and containment; testing and quality control; and data capture.

  • Environmental Science Program, Brandon University –- provides education in interdisciplinary studies of environmental issues in three streams: Biodiversity, Physical Sciences, and Resource Management.

  • Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources, University of Manitoba –- is a centre of excellence in interdisciplinary environmental research and education. Faculty research and education focuses on the Earth, environment, sustainable development, and resource management.

  • Freshwater Institute, Fisheries & Oceans Canada -- undertakes activities in freshwater and arctic science, science oceans initiative, fish habitat management, and fisheries management.

  • Greenspace Management Program, Red River College -- provides education in the construction and management of landscaped areas such as parks, golf courses, athletic fields, botanical gardens and cemeteries.

  • International Institute for Sustainable Development -- promotes sustainable development in decision making internationally and within Canada, by contributing new knowledge, analysing policies, disseminating information about best practices, and by demonstrating how to measure progress.

  • Manitoba Environmental Industries Association -- is a non-profit organization that connects business, government and the public with environmental issues and opportunities. The MEIA undertakes business development, professional and staff development, and various industry initiatives within the environmental business sector.

  • Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association -– provides leadership and expertise in stratospheric ozone protection. Its goal is to work towards protection of the ozone layer through control and eventual elimination of ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere.

  • Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre -- conducts digital image processing of satellite data for resource studies, inventorying, and environmental monitoring. The Centre also operates the Canadian World Crop Monitoring Program and the Canadian Global Change Program. Other services include consulting, R&D, education, technology transfer, mapping, and equipment rental.

  • Manitoba Sustainable Energy Association –- promotes the use of renewable, sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources in Manitoba.

  • National Centre for Livestock & the Environment, University of Manitoba -– promotes multi-disciplinary research into long-term solutions to the environmental challenges of intensive livestock production. Subjects of research include odour, water quality, greenhouse gas emissions and fertilizer use.

  • Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba -– undertakes research and education in natural resource management, and provides a forum for examining problems in resource use. The Institute provides expertise that can be used to deal with emerging issues of public concern.

  • Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative, University of Winnipeg -- is an interdisciplinary research network designed to understand the potential impacts of climate change on the Canadian prairie provinces, and to conduct research to develop appropriate adaptation strategies.

  • University Field Station (Delta Marsh), University of Manitoba – is located on the south shore of Lake Manitoba adjacent to the 21,870 hectare Delta Marsh, one of the largest pristine freshwater wetlands in North America. The Delta Marsh presents a wide and unique diversity of habitats and biota for research.


Meeting and exceeding the requirements of regulations and international agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol is expected to lead to new opportunities for the development of more environmentally friendly sources of energy as well as innovative technologies and services, including: geo-thermal heat pumps, ethanol blended fuels, and the development of wind, solar and hydrogen-based electrical generation to supplement Manitoba’s hydroelectric energy resources.

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Ms. Juliane Schaible
Consultant, Environment Sector
Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines
Tel: (204) 945-5161
Fax: (204) 945-3977

Manitoba Environmental Industries Association Inc.
Tel: (204) 783-7090
Fax: (204) 783-6501

Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association
Tel: (204) 338-0804
Fax: (204) 338-0810

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