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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
Industry Sector Summaries Home


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Retail ShoppingRetail

Sector Structure

Size:  The value of Manitoba’s retail trade in 2004 industry was $11.7 billion.  Retail trade contributes approximately $2.1 billion (6.6%) to Manitoba’s GDP annually.  Over 68,800 persons are directly employed in the industry in Manitoba.

Dominant Activities: Sale of merchandise to consumers, not for subsequent resale.

Arrow: Top of the pageStructure & Concentration

  • The are approximately 7,000 retail establishments throughout Manitoba. The industry is comprised largely of small to medium-sized operations, with two-thirds of establishments having annual revenues of less than $500,000, and 96% of establishments employing fewer than 50 persons.

  • Establishments are a mix of independent merchants, chain stores, department stores and franchise operations.

  • The principal industry organization is the Retail Council of Canada – Manitoba division.


  • Annual capital investment in the industry has increased from $161 million in 1999 to $233 million in 2004.

Arrow: Top of the pageSector Capabilities

Principal categories of retail activity in Manitoba include: 

  • Food sales (26.7%)
  • Gasoline & auto parts (9.4%)
  • Apparel (4.5%)
  • Motor & Recreational Vehicle Dealers (23.0%)
  • Household furnishings & appliances (13.3%)
  • General Merchandise (13.6%
  • Pharmacies & Personal Care (4.8%)
  • Other (4.7%)

Arrow: Top of the pageCompetitive Strengths

Market attractiveness – Several features of Manitoba’s stable provincial economy make it an attractive location for retail operations. Household debt is significantly lower than the national average and unemployment rates and annual living costs are among the lowest in Canada, increasing the per capita personal disposable income of Manitobans.

Factor advantages -- Manitoba offers retailers affordable land costs, and commercial leasing rates for prime storefront space are among the most affordable in Canada. Labour costs are competitive and retailers can draw from a productive, skilled and multilingual workforce.  The industry is supported by a distribution and warehousing sector that can provide seamless and cost-effective delivery of goods from anywhere in North America and the world.

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Key retailers with corporate head offices in Manitoba:

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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade

Phone: (204) 945-2475
Fax: (204) 945-3977

Mr. Lanny McInnes,
Director, Government Relations & Member Services (Manitoba)
Retail Council of Canada

Phone: (204) 253-1654
Fax: (204) 253-2413

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