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Industry Sector Summaries Home


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Pulp & paper manufacturingPrimary Wood Products

Sector Structure

Size: The primary wood product sector generates $550 million in sales annually, and directly employs 3,300 persons. The industry is intensely export oriented, with 75% of primary wood products being exported. Principal export markets include the United States, Europe and Japan.

Dominant Activities: The majority of production within the wood and paper sub-sectors includes commodity grade products.

Structure & Concentration: The sector is comprised of 211 operations, most of which are small rural-based saw mills.

Sector Capabilities

  • Pulp & paper
  • Lumber
  • Fibreboard & particle board
  • Shingles & veneers
  • Oriented strand board
  • Wood treatment
  • Fencing
  • Dimensional lumber

Commodity grade paper productsCompetitive Strengths

  • Factor Strengths: In addition to rich forestry resources, Manitoba offers a number of economic factor advantages that support the sector including: affordable land, competitive business costs, skilled labour, high-quality transportation infrastructure, and low cost, reliable electricity.


Mr. Peter Bowes,
Development Officer, Manitoba Conservation

Phone: (204) 945-7628
Fax: (204) 948-2671

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