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Beaver Management

The number of beaver taken by licensed trappers has decreased in recent years because of low pelt prices for beaver.

beaverThe reduced trapping pressure has enabled the beaver population to increase significantly, resulting in a greater number of beaver-related problems especially in municipalities located in Western Manitoba around the periphery of Riding Mountain National Park and the Duck Mountains.

To reduce the number of beaver-related problems, a problem beaver program was implemented in 1993.  In spite of these efforts, the number of beaver-related problems continued to increase.

During a recent review of this program, municipal officials, landowners and trappers agreed to end the break between the summer removal and the winter subsidy time frames. Municipalities can now continue their removal efforts and maximize the trapping opportunities when pelts are worth more commercially.

The program provides monetary incentives to Manitoba trappers to encourage the harvest of over- abundant beaver in designated problem areas. In some areas, pond levelers may also be made available as a non-lethal method of preventing beaver damage. See the program guidelines for more information.

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Guidelines for Problem Beaver Subsidy Program [PDF]

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