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West Nile virus

To address your comments/questions about West Nile virus as efficiently as possible, we ask that you complete the following questionnaire:

1. Which of the following topics were you searching for on the West Nile virus website?
    General West Nile virus information
    Last year's (2005) Manitoba Government West Nile virus Program
    Health of yourself, or someone you care about
    Mosquito control measures
    Bird surveillance
2. Did this WNV Web site provide you with helpful information?
    Very helpful
    Not helpful at all
3. Is the information on the WNV site easy to read and use?
    I found the information was easy to understand
    I understood most of the information
    I found the information was difficult to understand
4. What additional information would be useful to you?
    Enter comments here:
5. How would you prefer to receive information such as this?
    TV or newspaper ads
    Pamphlets and posters in doctor's office

Produced by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health

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