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In comparison with most other areas of the world, the Arctic remains a clean environment. However, for some pollutants, combinations of different factors give rise to concern in certain ecosystems and for some human populations. (State of the Arctic Environment Report)

State of the Arctic Environment

UNEP/GRID-Arendal Polar Programme
Read more about the UNEP Key polar centre, and current activities

UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and graphics database, Arctic collection
View the collection of Arctic maps and graphics.

Vital Arctic Graphics
Vital Arctic Graphics is a compilation of illustrations and case studies intended to describe the Arctic, the livelihoods of Arctic indigenous peoples and the future well-being of this region.

GLOBIO: Human impacts on the biosphere in the Arctic
Within 50 years, 50-90% of the world's land area may be impacted significantly by by human activities. This will most likely result in a substantial increase in environmental problems related to habitats, biodiversity, food production, fresh water resources and health.

Arctic Environment Times
Reporting on the Arctic environment in a way that is easy to understand: first edition, August 2002

AMAP State of the Arctic Environment Report
This report is the product of six years of cooperation which began with the establishment of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) in 1991.

Arctic Environmental Atlas
This interactive map service presents environmental variables and parameters on the environment in the Arctic region.

Integrated ecosystem approach to conserve biodiversity and minimize habitat fragmentation in the Russian Arctic.

Arctic Council

The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that provides a mechanism to address the common concerns and challenges faced by the Arctic governments and the people of the Arctic.


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Web site manager: Duane Taylor (webmaster@grida.no) of UNEP GRID-Arendal
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