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Workplace Safety & Health Division


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The Mine Safety Branch enforces Manitoba Regulation 228/94, governing the operation of mines under the Workplace Safety and Health Act, as well as other regulations under the Act as they apply to mining operations. Branch staff work to ensure that workplace hazards are identified and corrective action is taken in compliance with the legislation.

Objectives of the Branch also include encouraging safe practices in order to provide the highest possible standards of safety and health for workers; and promoting the internal responsibility system whereby employers and workers in the mining industry undertake their individual and shared responsibility for preventing occupational illness and injury.

Activities of the branch are carried out by staff members located in Winnipeg, Thompson, Flin Flon and Snow Lake, as follows:

  • Safety and health concerns are investigated if the workplace parties are unable to jointly resolve the issue(s);
  • Routine and special inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with the legislation, and that safe work practices are implemented and followed;
  • Investigations of serious incidents and traumatic fatalities are conducted to determine causes and require corrective measures be implemented to prevent recurrence. The Branch has an emergency response system available 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
  • Environmental surveys are conducted, as well as engineering assessments of new mine operations and equipment to be used.
  • The Mine Safety Branch, along with the Prevention Services and Partnerships Branch, continues to train and license blasters for surface operations. The Branch also licenses hoist operators and explosive magazines.
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