


A Message From Our President

Click here to read our president's message.

The Profession


CHICA–Canada will lead in the promotion of excellence in the practice of infection prevention and control. 


CHICA–Canada is a national, multidisciplinary voluntary association of professionals. CHICA–Canada is committed to improving the health of Canadians by promoting excellence in the practice of infection prevention and control by employing evidence based practice and application of epidemiological principles. This is accomplished through education, communication, standards, research and consumer awareness. 

Our Organization

CHICA–CANADA (COMMUNITY AND HOSPITAL INFECTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION-CANADA) is a multidisciplinary, professional organization for those engaged in the prevention and control of infections. CHICA was incorporated under the Canadian Corporation Act in 1976 and is a registered non-profit organization. CHICA has over 1225 members. Click here to view our Membership Map.

CHICA–CANADA provides communication and education for those involved in infection control activities. Its goal is to prevent infections and as a result improve patient care and staff health in hospitals, other health care facilities, and the community by: 

  • initiating and coordinating effective communication and cooperation among all disciplines united by infection control activities 
  • supporting and/or developing effective and rational infection control practices
  • standardizing infection control practices 
  • promoting research in areas related to infection control 
  • promoting and facilitating infection control education for both infection control practitioners and other personnel working in hospitals, nursing homes and related institutions.

Our Members

INFECTION CONTROL PROFESSIONALS come from many different backgrounds within the health care field. These include disciplines such as nursing, medicine, microbiology, medical technology and epidemiology. Certification in Infection Control (CIC) is also available by passing an examination set by the Certification Board of Infection Control (CBIC). CHICA–Canada endorses this certification. The Canadian Council on Health Facilities Accreditation requires all accredited hospitals to have systems in place to ensure provision of infection control activities.

WITHIN HOSPITAL AND OTHER HEALTH CARE FACILITIES, Infection Control Professionals are responsible for keeping abreast of all current infection control standards and practices. They must ensure that these practices are implemented and the standards maintained within their institutions. This is done by orientation and continuing education of health care workers, consultation, surveillance and coordination of results. Infection Control Professionals maintain a strong liaison with public health authorities. 

In 1985, THE MANDATE expanded to include the community, thus reflecting the responsibility of infection control beyond active treatment hospitals. Infection Control Professionals contribute their expertise to the community in many ways. For example, they: 

  • work with the Ministry of the Environment on safe procedures for waste disposal
  • join government task forces setting standards for long term care facilities
  • assist in setting standards for the use of disinfectants in industrial settings
  • speak on infection control at institutions such as public schools and community colleges
  • advise AIDS committees at the local, provincial and national levels on matters of public education 
  • act as consultants to a wide range of organizations including the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Standards Association, the Canadian Hospital Association, the Operating Room Association, Central Supply Services, and Ambulance Services.