Health Promotion Strategy

The Health Promotion Strategy provides a framework for increased investment in promotion and prevention activities at the territorial, regional, local and individual levels. It builds on the Community Wellness Directions Document and addresses priority areas for the Northwest Territories as outlined in the Department's strategic plan, Shaping Our Future: A Strategic Plan for Health and Wellness.

An effective Health Promotion Strategy will improve the health status of northerners by reducing the incidence of preventable illnesses. Health promotion is an internationally recognized and comprehensive approach to preventing illness, reducing harm, building the capacity of residents and promoting increased personal responsibility.

In order to succeed fully, the Health Promotion Strategy must include the following components: community development, an emphasis on communication, reorienting services, research and knowledge development, healthy public policy, training and skill development and an increased focus on working together.

The Department is currently focusing on the following priority areas:

Each of the four priorities will involve collaboration with many partners to successfully increase the focus on improving the physical and mental health of al NWT residents, especially children. Research has shown that even modest investments in promotion and prevention programs can make a significant saving in treatment or rehabilitation costs.  


Last Updated: November 14, 2006
