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Judgment Database Search Disclaimer

Keyword(s) (Style of Cause, Subject, Name of Judge, and/or Docket #)


Search hints:
• Use / for OR (e.g.discrimination / racism) and & for AND (e.g. 2000 & firearms)
• Use * to truncate (e.g. Abus* to find abuse, abused, abusing, or abusive)
• Use the number only when searching for sections of statutes/
regulations (e.g. 486 for s.486)

Or Browse by date *new searching features*

R. v. Teddy (2006 NWTSC 62) -- Filed: 11-Nov-2006
R. v. Fraser (2006 NWTSC 55) -- Filed: 10-Nov-2006
R. v. MacKeinzo (2006 NWTSC 56) --  Filed: 10-Nov-2006
Peterkin v. U.N.W. et al. (2006 NWTSC 58) -- Filed: 9-Nov-2006
Ahmed v. Yellowknife (City) (2006 NWTSC 60) -- Filed: 9-Nov-2006
R. v. Omilgoituk (2006 NWTSC 61) --  Filed: 9-Nov-2006
R. v. Younan (2006 NWTTC 20) -- Filed: 8-Nov-2006

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