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Office of the Clerk

The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly is the chief procedural advisor to the Speaker and the Members of the Assembly.

Tim MercerThe position is responsible for a wide range of duties relating to the proceedings and official records of the Assembly and its committees.

The Clerk, as Deputy Minister, also has overall responsibility for services provided by the Legislative Assembly, including Financial Services, Personnel and Administrative Services, Research and Library Services, Legislation, Hansard, Broadcasting, Sergeant-at-Arms and Visitors Services.

The Clerk sits directly in front of the Speaker at the Clerk's Table and is assisted at the Table by the Deputy Clerk, Clerk of Committees, Clerk Assistant and the Law Clerk. They keep the official records of the Assembly and advise the Speaker and Members on parliamentary and legal procedure.

The Clerk reports directly to the Speaker for the efficient administration of the Assembly and its support services. The position is also responsible for annual budgeting for the Assembly, planning, policy and staff development, and ensuring adequate financial and human resources are available to all committees. The Clerk's Office provides administrative services to the Board of Management and other committees of the Legislative Assembly.

The Office of the Clerk also co-ordinates all official parliamentary ceremonies and other formal events involving the Legislative Assembly, such as the official opening of the Legislative Assembly, election of the Speaker, swearing-in of Members, and visiting parliamentarians.

Recognizing the importance of fostering a better understanding of the Northwest Territories and consensus style of government, the Clerk's Office provides numerous pamphlets, information packages, education videos, tours, and other promotional material.

The Office of the Clerk is comprised of the following: Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Clerk of Committees, Executive Administrative Assistant, Law Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, and the Public Affairs and Communications Advisor. Other divisions within the Office of the Clerk include Research and Library Services and Corporate Services.

Office of the Clerk Operational Policies

2.01 Public Relations (PDF)
2.02 Research Services (PDF)
2.03 Legislative Library (PDF)
2.04 Administrative Services (PDF)
2.05 Legislative Assembly Building and Services (PDF)
2.06 Emergency Procedures (PDF)
2.07 Legislative Assembly Pages (PDF)
Consolidation of Indemnities, Allowances and Expense Regulations (PDF)