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Corporate Registries

Business Corporations - Incorporation

The purpose of this section is to help you submit the forms and information required to incorporate a business under the Business Corporations Act (BCA).  The forms used for incorporating are available on this website. The accompanying text gives you some practical suggestions on how to fill out key parts of those forms.  By ensuring that you provide all the required information with your initial application, you can help the Corporate Registry process your incorporation documents swiftly.

You should note, however, that this package does not tell you everything you may need to know about incorporation.  You may wish to consult with legal counsel or other professional advisors to consider other features that might be desirable in your corporate structure, or advise you on choosing a name for your corporation.

What Information Must Be Filed?

Before you can receive a Certificate of Incorporation, you must send all of the following supporting materials to Corporate Registries, Department of Justice, Government of the Northwest Territories:

  • a name search request, except where you are requesting a numbered name,

  • Form 1, Articles of Incorporation,

  • Form 2, Notice of Registered Office in duplicate,

  • Form 4, Notice of Directors in duplicate,

  • the incorporation fee of $300, payable to the Government of the Northwest Territories and the $25 name search request fee, if applicable.

It is not mandatory to use the forms provided. However, substitutes must follow the same format, provide all of the required information in legible printing, and be set out on bond paper measuring 8.5 x 11 in. Forms must be originally signed and may not be submitted by facsimile.

What is the First Step for Incorporation?

You can either choose a distinctive word name or choose to have a numbered company name.  If you choose to incorporate a numbered company the Registry will assign the number.  The request for a number name should be made when you file the Articles of Incorporation and pay the incorporation fee.

If you choose a word name, verifying the uniqueness of your proposed corporation name in its area of doing business may take some time.  Therefore, you may want to have the name searched and reserved against possible use by others before you file your Articles of Incorporation.  If you do not search and reserve your proposed name, it will be searched at the time you file your articles.  The fee for searching a name is $25 and this must be paid when the name is searched.  There is no fee if you choose to have a numbered company.

The Registry will examine your request to determine the distinctiveness of your proposed name and assess whether it meets the name-granting requirements of the Business Corporations Act and Regulations.  The Registry will then make a decision to grant or reject it.  If your name request is granted, you have a reservation of that name for a 90-day period.  If the 90-day period lapses before incorporation, you must make a renewed request for a name reservation with the Registry.

How Do You Fill Out Form 1, Articles of Incorporation?

Item 1, Name of Corporation

Enter the proposed name. If the name has been reserved ensure that the letter of approval is enclosed with your articles. If the name has not been reserved it will go through the approval process when the articles are filed. If you are incorporating under a numbered name, leave a blank space on the left hand side, write in the words Northwest Territories or N.W.T. and add the legal element of your choice, such as Inc., Ltd., Corp. etc (_________N.W.T. Inc.). If you are incorporating under a bilingual name, both English and French forms of the name should appear here.

Item 2, Place of Registered Office

Enter only the name of the community in the Northwest Territories where the registered office will be located.  Do not enter a specific street or postal address.

Item 3, Shares

Set out the classes and any maximum number of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue. The share structure of corporations is governed by Part V-Corporate Finance, of the Business Corporations Act.  Please note:

  • all shares must be without nominal or par value,
  • the Business Corporations Act gives incorporators broad discretion to designate a class of shares as common, preferred or as Class A and Class B or any other designation. Many incorporators designate shares simply as Class A and Class B,
  • you do not need to place a limit on the number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue,
  • you do not need to specify a maximum aggregate consideration for the issue of shares.

The following sample clauses are often used by incorporators and are acceptable to the Registry to cover some very basic kinds of share structures. The corporation may choose to issue one class of shares only. If two or more classes of shares are issued, you must specify the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attached to each class.

e.g. "The corporation is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares of one class."

or   "The corporation is authorized to issue an unlimited number of Class A and Class B shares. The Class A shares shall be entitled to vote at all meetings of shareholders except meetings at which only holders of a specified class of shares are entitled to vote and to receive such dividend as the directors in their discretion shall declare. Subject to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act, the Class B shares shall be non-voting. Upon liquidation or dissolution, the holders of Class A and Class B shares shall share equally the remaining property of the corporation."

For shares in a series, the following clause is acceptable:

"The directors may authorize the issue of one or more series of shares within each class of shares, and may fix the number of shares in each series, and determine the designation, rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the shares of each series subject to the limits provided in the articles."

You may use wording similar to the following to specify the redemption of shares. Note that if a fixed price is not stated, a redemption formula that can be determined in dollars must be used.

"The said Class X shares or any part thereof shall be redeemable at the option of the corporation without the consent of the holders thereof (at a price of $__________per share) or (at a price equal to the amount paid per share) plus any declared and unpaid dividends."

You may vary the composition and complexity of share structures for particular situations in countless ways. The sample clauses given here are only examples of the usual kinds of share structures used by many incorporators, and are by no means mandatory or exhaustive. You may wish to seek legal advice with respect to other clauses to ensure that they are permitted under the Business Corporations Act.

Item 4, Restrictions on Share Transfers

Restrictions, if any, on the transfer of shares are normally limited to the consent of the directors and/or shareholders.

e.g. "No shares of the capital of the Corporation shall be transferred without either (a) the sanction of a majority of the directors of the corporation or alternatively, (b) the sanction of the majority of the shareholders of the corporation."

or    "No shares of the corporation shall be transferred without the approval of the directors evidenced by resolution of the board, provided that approval of any transfer of shares may be given as aforesaid after the said transfer has been effected upon the records of the corporation, in which event, unless the said resolution stipulates otherwise, the said transfer shall be valid and shall take effect as from the date of its entry upon the books of the corporation."

You may wish to further restrict the transfer of shares by designating the corporation as "non-distributing" a term that replaces the former concept of "private" corporations. Your corporation in effect will be a "non-distributing" corporation unless you file a prospectus or undertake other related procedures to constitute a public distribution of securities (as specified in section 3 of the Business Corporations Act).

Item 5, Number of Directors

You may specify a range or a fixed number of directors:

e.g. "A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 7."

or    "Five directors."

To permit cumulative voting, the number of directors must be fixed. If the corporation is a "distributing" corporation, there must be at least three directors.

Item 6, Restrictions on Business

A Business Corporations Act corporation has all the rights of a natural person, and normally one would not wish to limit this power. If there are to be no restrictions, simply state "NONE". If there are reasons why you wish to restrict the business of the corporation, the following preamble is suggested: "The business of the Corporation shall be limited to the following: ..."

Note that sections 15 and 16 of the Business Corporations Act prohibit corporations from conducting the business of insurance, trust, stock exchange, railway, steamship, air transport, canal, telegraph, telephone or irrigation companies.

Item 7, Other Provisions

The Business Corporations Act allows you to include a number of additional provisions in the Articles of Incorporation. As well, incorporators occasionally include clauses to satisfy requirements of other legislation or institutions. For example, a provision regarding directors' borrowing powers and their delegation is sometimes used to limit the authority of directors and/or to satisfy lending institutions. Mark the item as "NONE" if there are no such provisions.

Item 8, Incorporators

The Articles of Incorporation submitted to the Registry must be originally signed by the incorporator(s).

How Do You Fill Out Form 2, Notice of Registered Office?

Item 1:

The name of the corporation will be the same as for the Articles of Incorporation.

Item 2:

The corporation's registered office address must be a specific civic address within the place specified in Form 1. Please note that a post office box number is not sufficient.

Item 3:

This address cannot be the same address as in item 2 or item 4. If the corporation does not have a separate records office this section must be marked not applicable.

Item 4:

If the corporation designates a post office box in this item, the same post office box cannot be used in item 2 or 3. Mark the item not applicable if the corporation does not have a separate service by mail address.

This form must be dated and signed at the bottom. It can be signed by an incorporator, officer or the solicitor of the company, and the person signing must state their relationship to the company.

How Do You Fill Out Form 4 Notice of Directors?

Item 1:

The name of the corporation will be the same as for the Articles of Incorporation.

Item 2:

All directors for the corporation must be listed with their complete postal and physical addresses. The number of directors must correspond with the number in item 5 of Form 1.

This form must be dated and signed at the bottom. It can be signed by an incorporator, officer or the solicitor of the company, and the person signing must state their relationship to the company.

What Does the Registry Do?

The Registry will check that your articles are complete and in proper form, and that the name is acceptable. If so, the Registry will issue a Certificate of Incorporation showing the date of incorporation. If you prefer, you may request a specific date of incorporation in the near future

Deficient applications will be returned to the applicant with a letter indicating the nature of the deficiency. When deficient articles are returned to applicants the fee will be returned to the submitter along with the documents.

Name Searches and Reservations

  • Name Searches and Reservations (Instructions) (PDF)

  • Request For Name Reservation (PDF)


Articles of Incorporation Form 1 Instructions
Notice of Registered Office or Notice of Change of Registered Office Form 2 Instructions
Notice of Directors Form 4 Instructions

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