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Corporate Registries

Partnerships and Business Names - Partnership Registration

The purpose of this section is to help you submit the form required to register a general partnership under section 45 of the Partnership Act. The Declaration of Partnership form used for registering is attached. The instructions give you some practical suggestions on how to fill out the form. By ensuring that you provide all the required information with your initial registration, you can help the Corporate Registry process your registration swiftly.

Instructions for Completing the Required Forms

Please note that Form 1 is not to be used for the incorporation of a business (for business incorporations, please see the Incorporation Package on this website). The partnership form is to be submitted by persons associated in a general partnership in the Northwest Territories.

Please read the following instructions before completing the forms:

  • Print clearly or type.
  • Do not submit form on fax paper.
  • Every member of the Partnership must sign the form.
  • The originally signed form must be forwarded by mail or by hand to the Corporate Registries (faxed delivery is not accepted).
  • The full names of all the partners must be provided - initials as first names will not be accepted for registration.
  • Please ensure that complete postal AND street addresses are provided (including postal codes). If a street address is not available, some other form of physical address, such as a house number or legal description (Lot, Block and Plan) must be provided.
  • The filing fee is $50.00, made payable to the Government of the Northwest Territories.

Please note that Corporate Registries does not conduct searches to see if the same or a similar name is being used.


  • Form 1- Declaration of Partnership
  • Form 3- Declaration of Dissolution of a Partnership

Please send completed forms to Corporate Registries.

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