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Corporate Registries

Partnerships and Business Names - Limited Partnership Registration

A limited partnership is a special type of partnership in which there may be one or more general and limited partners. Limited partners cannot act on behalf of the partnership and usually cannot be held responsible for the liabilities of the partnership beyond the amount, which they have committed to invest.

Limited partnerships are normally established by a formal agreement between all of the partners.

There are no prescribed forms to register a limited partnership or an extra-territorial limited partnership in the Northwest Territories. When registering a limited partnership, the registration certificate must comply with section 58 of the Partnership Act.

To register an extra-territorial limited partnership we require:

  • a certificate that complies with section 4 of the Partnership Act Regulations
  • a certified copy of the registration certificate from their home jurisdiction
  • a certificate of compliance from their home jurisdiction (if a certificate of compliance is not available, we will accept a letter from their lawyers confirming that their Limited Partnership registration is still valid).
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