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A Look at CCMTA


The origins of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) can be traced back to 1940, when the four Western provinces met to consider issues of common interest relating to road transport. In the early fifties, the group was joined by Ontario and the Yukon Territory. The Canada-wide expansion of the organization took place in 1956, some two years after the enactment of the Motor Vehicle Transport Act by Parliament, in response to an already felt need for uniformity due to increasing movement and traffic.

In 1975 a constitution was signed by representatives of all provinces and territories and a small permanent Secretariat was established. The federal government has participated as a full member of CCMTA since 1977. The organization was incorporated in 1987 under its present name and constitution.


CCMTA is a non-profit organization comprising representatives of the provincial, territorial and federal governments of Canada which, through the collective consultative process, makes decisions on administration and operational matters dealing with licensing, registration and control of motor vehicle transportation and highway safety. It also comprises associate members whose expertise and opinions are sought in the development of strategies and programs.

In support of the Council, the Secretariat acts as a neutral and independent coordinating and support body. In addition, the Secretariat manages a communications network, called the Interprovincial Record Exchange system, which is used by the governments for better business efficiencies in the areas of driver licensing and vehicle registration. The Secretariat uses the network to provide data access services to third parties on behalf of governments.


The CCMTA Board of Directors undertook a review of CCMTA in early 2004. The process involved extensive consultation with both government and associate members. Here is the outcome as it relates to CCMTA's vision, mission and values.

CCMTA's Vision

The safest and most efficient movement of people and goods by road in the world.


To provide a national forum for development of public policy and programs for road safety and driver and vehicle licensing.


CCMTA is accountable to and makes recommendations to the Councils of Deputy Ministers and Ministers responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety. The Council of Ministers has the responsibility for program/project implementation decisions with CCMTA being responsible for carrying out its direction.


CCMTA adheres to the following values as guiding principles for its daily business conduct and activities:

Work in a collaborative and participatory manner with all stakeholders and customers, promoting and supporting a team environment.

  • Conduct activities in the best interest of the public.
  • Provide responsive, quality and value-added services.
  • Communicate openly and honestly.
  • Respect all those involved and value their contributions.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Enhance Programming by …

  • Adopting a broader view of problems and issues that cut across all sectors
  • Expanding research integrating industry practice and expertise
  • Ensuring effective priority setting and improving measures for prevention and detection of problems
  • Continually reviewing program relevance and effectiveness
Implementation of these goals will lead to more effective and comprehensive solutions to issues and problems, more accurate and current knowledge, improved resource utilization and more timely completion of projects.

Expand Outreach by …

  • Raising the profile of Vision 2010
  • Improving communication and linkages with police and law enforcement agencies
  • Pursuing harmonization with the U.S., Mexico and Europe
  • Implementing strategies to enhance stakeholder participation
  • Pursuing advocacy positions and strategies
Adopting these goals would result in increased buy-in and improved enforcement of regulations, transportation simplification and efficiencies, improved partnerships, and increased public understanding and support of CCMTA programs.

Develop the CCMTA Organization by …

  • Developing the staff and volunteer skill base.
  • Evaluating the organizational structure to achieve CCMTA's goals.
  • Increasing opportunities for revenue generation through IRE and other sources.
  • Exchanging program knowledge, experience and resources with other member jurisdictions
  • Leveraging the use of technology.

These goals would lead to increased motivation and productivity, greater integration of efforts, better alignment of resources and enhanced governance effectiveness.


Canadian provinces/territories are responsible for all matters relating to road safety, driver licensing, vehicle registration and taxation and commercial vehicle regulations and enforcement. The federal government is responsible for road safety, new vehicle standards, transportation of dangerous good and plays a complimentary role in motor transport administration.

As a member of the general public, should you have inquiries regarding the above please contact the appropriate province/territory listed below.

CCMTA is not responsible should any part or all of the information provided change, nor is it responsible for the content of external sites and links.

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