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Minister's Message

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The wait times provided here are for scheduled tests, treatments and services only.

This Web site is the result of months of collaboration between the Department of Health and healthcare providers. Together, we have developed a way to collect and report healthcare wait times that are comparable from place to place.

Having comparable, reliable information gives us the evidence we need to make sound, effective decisions to address bottlenecks in the health system.

And sharing this information lets us be accountable and transparent.

Sharing this information also gives Nova Scotians the opportunity to participate more in their care by talking with their doctors or nurse practitioners to see if receiving care in a different location with a shorter wait is an option for them.

We all have a role to play to make sure that our health system provides timely care. It is a shared responsibility...government, district health authorities, healthcare providers and Nova Scotians.

I look forward to our continued partnership as we work together to build a better more responsive health with better access to healthcare tests, treatments, and services across this province, as close to home as possible.

Chris d'Entremont
Minister of Health