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Wait Times Web Site Frequently Asked Questions

Go directly to Wait Times Data

The wait times provided here are for scheduled tests, treatments and services only.

How does this site work?

Simply follow the menu on the left-hand side of the page. The top menu item, “Wait Times Data,” will lead you to wait time information for a number of services, for all hospitals across the province. To find wait time information, you only need to know the name of the test or treatment and the name of the hospital.

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Why doesn’t this Web site have information about my personal wait for healthcare services?

Patient confidentiality is important. We do not release individual wait times. Your doctor is the best person to discuss with you your personal wait for tests or treatment.

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How do I know if my wait is acceptable for my condition?

Your doctor/nurse practitioner is the best person to discuss this with. If your symptoms change while you are waiting, you should see your doctor/nurse practitioner and get reassessed.

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My doctor recommended a treatment for me in my community, but the wait would be shorter if I went somewhere else. Could he/she send me there? How can I get my appointment changed?

Travelling outside your community for healthcare tests and treatments may be an option for you. Please discuss this with your doctor. There may be many reasons why your doctor booked a treatment or service in a certain facility. Your doctor will try to provide treatment for you in the most appropriate location. Some specialty services are only available in certain locations.

It’s important to talk to your family doctor or specialist before you consider any changes to your treatment or care.

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Will the time I wait for health services be affected by having people from other districts accessing their health care in my community? Will they get services before me?

Nova Scotians can receive health services anywhere across the province. This has always been the case.
The length of time you may wait depends on the urgency of your care needs. While all cases are important, patients requiring more urgent care receive it sooner.

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When will the Web site be updated with wait times for more treatments and services?

The Web site will be expanded to include information on more treatments and services as comparable information becomes available across the province.

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I’ve looked at the site regularly over the last few weeks, but the numbers haven’t changed. Why?

The wait time information on this site is collected and updated on a regular basis and represents an average wait time for a particular treatment or service at each specific facility. Most information will be updated on a monthly basis, although some will only be updated quarterly. Update information is provided at the end of each wait times segment.

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Why are some wait times for the same test/treatment so different district by district?

Wait times can fluctuate on a day-by-day basis, and may change significantly over time.

Wait times are affected by many factors. Some of those include

  • availability of specialists such as anesthetists
  • staff vacations and other leave
  • equipment down time
  • volume of requests for procedures and tests

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How do our waits compare to waits across Canada? Are there other provinces who place wait times information on the Internet?

Wait times are an issue across the country.

Right now, there is no way to compare wait time information from province to province. This is something that the provinces are working with the federal government to achieve.

British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario share wait-time information on their Web sites.

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