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Rightsholders overview

Learn more about:
  • Benefits of affiliation
  • Creator affiliation
  • Publisher affiliation
  • Deceased rightsholders
  • Digital rights
  • International representation
  • Rights Management System
  • Royalty distribution
  • Unlocatable rightsholders

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  • rightsholders > overview
    Compensation for uses of your copyright works, made easy and convenient

    Under Canada's copyright law, copyright owners have the right to decide when and how their work is reproduced, whether it's being copied with a photocopier, electronically or through other means. In the past, though, it's been difficult for copyright owners to protect their rights when copying was done illegally.

    Access Copyright is helping to change that. Under Access Copyright’s licensing system, users of copyrighted material can conveniently and easily obtain legal permission to copy, and copyright owners can be compensated for that copying.

    Learn more about the benefits of affiliation for publishers and creators and get an affiliation agreement online by clicking on the left menu bar.

    T5s and important tax information for affiliates
    The payments creator and publisher affiliates receive from Access Copyright are considered taxable income. Revenue Canada requires that copyright collectives maintain records of amounts paid to rightsholders and to report the payment on a T5 slip. T5 slips for royalties paid by Access Copyright will be mailed out during the last week of February. If you don’t receive one by March 15, please contact

    If you’re confused about how and when to report royalty income from Access Copyright on your income tax there are several resources you can turn to for answers. If you want to know more, go to the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Web site’s forms and publications section. Or you can access the bulletin IT-504R2 (consolidated) Income Tax Act – Visual Artists and Writers at

    You can use the Rights Management System(RMS) to review your Access Copyright payment history. Simply log into the RMS with your unique user name and password and follow these steps:
      1. Select "My Profile" from the main menu
      2. Select "Person Rightsholders" from the second menu
      3. Click on your rightsholder type. This is usually "Author"
      4. Click on the "Payment History" button
      5. Enter the start date and the end date of the time period you wish to review
      6. Click the "Submit" button
      7. RMS will launch a printable PDF record of your payment history
    If you do not have a PDF reader installed on your computer, you may download a free Adobe Acrobat Reader at

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