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Record of Revisions
#100 Management Guide
#200 Budgeting/Financial Management
#300 Common Services
#500 Human Resources Management
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Quick Facts

Executive Council Approval:    January 9th, 2003

There are four manuals:

100 Management Guide
Documents the organizational structure of government and the delegation of responsibility to departments. This manual also outlines the Cabinet decision-making process and the planning, budgeting, and accountability reporting cycle.

200 Budgeting and Financial Management
Documents the budgeting and budgetary control processes as well as accounting policies and procedures applicable across government.

300 Common Services
Documents common operational services provided within government for the benefit of other government entities.

500 Human Resources Management
Documents the human resources policies and procedures that apply to all employees, except where superseded by collective agreements.

The manuals are posted in PDF format on Treasury and Policy Board office's Internet site

Web site features:

Record of Revisions
Table of recent changes to the management manuals

Join the listserv
Automated notification of revisions

Online ordering
A cost-recovery service available only to government staff with access to the iweb and appropriate cost centre and GL information.

The Management Manuals are living documents, with the ongoing updating, adding and deleting of policies and procedures. Treasury and Policy Board office is responsible for maintaining the currency of the information on the web site. Employees are to check the web site regularly to ensure they are using the current version of a policy/procedure. The master version of each manual is retained at the Treasury and Policy Board office.

Further Information:
          Cherryl Tucker
          Treasury and Policy Board
          (902) 424-6614

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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2004-2005, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. Comments to: TPB Webmaster /2006-May-11
