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#100 Management Guide
#200 Budgeting/Financial Management
#300 Common Services
#500 Human Resources Management
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Q. What are the Management Manuals?
Q. Who is required to follow the policies and procedures in the Management Manuals?
Q. Now that the Management Manuals have been released, what happens next?
Q. Who authorizes a policy?
Q. What's the process for making changes to an existing corporate policy?
Q. What format should I use to develop a new policy?
Q. How is a new corporate policy approved?
Q. How do I obtain a hard copy of a manual?

Q. What is a PDF file?
Q. How do I use PDF documents?
Q. How do I print from PDF?
Q. How do I find a policy?
Q. How do I know if a policy is new or has been revised?
Q. Who do I contact if I have a question or comment?


A. What are the Management Manuals?

The Management Manuals are a series of four publications containing the Government of Nova Scotia's corporate administrative policies and procedures with application across government.

The manuals provide a common standard reference system, permitting all government employees to operate under the same rules. Think of it as having everyone singing from the same song sheet. The manuals are crucial to the effective internal operation of government with the consolidation of information in one place. Furthermore, the manuals serve as a corporate communication tool and will be a useful training resource for all employees.

#100 - Management Guide
The Management Guide documents the organizational structure of Government and the delegation of responsibility to departments. This manual also outlines the Cabinet decision-making process and the planning, budgeting and accountability framework.

#200 - Budgeting & Financial Management
The Budgeting & Financial Management manual documents the budgeting and budgetary control processes as well as accounting policies and procedures applicable across government.

#300 - Common Services
The Common Services manual documents common operational services provided within government for the benefit of other government entities, such as legal services, publishing services and building services.

#500 - Human Resources Management
The Human Resources Management manual documents the human resources policies and procedures that apply to all employees, except where superseded by collective agreements.

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A. Who is required to follow the policies and procedures in the Management Manuals?

Category I: Direct application of the policies and procedures in the Management Manuals to departments, offices of government and all public service votes as well as any additional entities as indicated in a specific policy or procedure.

Category II: Direct application to Crown corporations, who are to use the policies and procedures in the Management Manuals to the extent that there is no conflict with their existing legislation, regulations, or existing contracts. Where possible, Crown corporations are to make their bylaws reflective of policy objectives, as appropriate.

Category III: Entities that receive government funding, primarily other government service organizations, are asked to embrace the intent of the policies/procedures, where such is determined reasonable for the efficient and effective operation of their organization.

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A. Now that the Management Manuals have been released, what happens next?

The focus now will be on maintaining the information and publishing the policies still under development. Treasury and Policy Board office has the responsibility to ensure the Management Manuals are current.

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A. Who authorizes a policy?

All Manuals have received the endorsement of Treasury and Policy Board. Individual policies in the Management Manuals have been approved by a number of different means, such as Executive Council, ministers and deputy ministers.

Check the history table at the end of each policy to see who approved the policy, the approval date, the manual release date and the date of the most recent review. The date of Treasury and Policy Board's approval of the manuals has been used in instances where the origins of the original policy were not determined.

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A. What's the process for making changes to an existing corporate policy?

Any change to the content of a corporate policy must be authorized by the originating department or government entity, i.e., the owner of the content. Policy owners are to consult with the Executive Officer of Treasury and Policy Board office to determine if a proposed revision is significant enough, i.e., material, to require review again by the Treasury and Policy Board. Revisions considered to be material are to follow the same approval process as for new corporate policies (see How is a new corporate policy approved?).

For revisions of a "housekeeping" nature, i.e., not material, approval by the deputy minister/deputy head/CEO for the department / government entity is required. Once revisions are approved, forward the revised policy to the Manager of Manuals for publication.

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A. What format should I use when developing a new policy?

The policy template developed by the Information Policy Initiative in 1995 and approved for government-wide use by the Business and Technology Advisory Committee (BTAC) is the recommended format for policies in the Management Manuals.

While many policies are written using this standard policy template, you will notice some that are not. Often, these are older policies which have migrated from the original versions of the manuals. All of these policies have been reviewed to ensure the currency of the information. Some may be adapted to the policy template during a future review of their content.

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A. How is a new corporate policy approved?

All new corporate policies require the authorization of Treasury and Policy Board. Departments/government entities submit their proposed corporate policy with the appropriate documentation (i.e., Memorandum to Treasury and Policy Board) to the Executive Council office. A policy analyst from Treasury and Policy Board will be assigned to the file, preparing the staff assessment. For more information about the Cabinet decision-making process, see Chapter 3 of the Management Guide. Approved policies must be forwarded to the Manager of Manuals, by departments/government entities, for publication.

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A. How do I obtain a hard copy of a manual?

While the Management Manuals are being distributed primarily via the Internet, you may order a hard copy from Docutech (cost recovery basis). This service is available to Government of Nova Scotia departments and entities only. To order, complete the online form, including providing vendor information for billing purposes. Your request goes directly to Docutech who will invoice the requesting department/entity for the order. Printing by Docutech is more cost-effective than printing a manual from your local printer.

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A. What is a PDF file?

PDF is an abbreviation for "Portable Document Format". It is a way to save files in a compressed format so they can easily be sent over the Internet via the web or email. PDF saves an exact replica of a page, thereby maintaining the integrity of the information.

You will require the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be able to view the policies/procedures in PDF, available at for free downloading. We recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher. Earlier versions may result in inconsistent viewing / printing results.

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A. How do I use PDF documents?

Once you open the PDF document, you have two options: Viewing or Printing. The page layout has been designed to invite on-screen reading. Bookmarks and Thumbnails (on the left-hand column) have been used to help in the quick retrieval of information. The Annotations feature has not been used.

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A. How do I print from PDF?

You have the capability to print anywhere from a single page to the entire manual. PDF repaginates a document from page one through to the end with no distinction for the chapter number-page number format used in the publications. If you only want a 6-page policy in a 200 page manual, please verify the starting and ending page numbers. Then select those specific pages under the Print command. If you require an entire manual, please refer to How do I obtain a hard copy of a manual?

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A. How do I find a policy?

Use the Search feature or select the manual that you think contains the information you are seeking and go to the Table of Contents. The #500 Human Resources Management manual also has an Index.

Using the Table of Contents
When you select a specific manual, you will go to the HTML Table of Contents screen for that manual. Policies are listed by chapter.

Selecting any of the highlighted policies will open up the PDF document at that particular policy if your browser is set up to do this. Otherwise the PDF file will open at the Table of Contents. Contact your IT Helpdesk for assistance with your browser settings.

Selecting the heading Table of Contents will open up the PDF document at the publications Table of Contents. The Bookmark feature also serves as a table of contents for the manual. You may make a selection either from the bookmarks or from within the Table of Contents.

Using the Subject Index
The #500 Human Resources Management Manual has an Index. You may select the highlighted Index at the bottom of the Table of Contents screen which takes you directly to the Index in the PDF document. Alternatively, selecting the highlighted Table of Contents button will open up the PDF document with the bookmarks and table of contents displayed. Scroll down until you see Index, and then make your selection from either place.

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A. How do I know if a policy is new or has been revised?

Go to Record of Revisions for a listing of recent changes. Select the highlighted policy to open up the PDF document. You may also join the Listserv for automatic notification of revisions posted to the Web site.

You will receive confirmation email from the listserv administrator when you join or unsubscribe.

Only the current version of a policy/procedure will be available on the Web site. Please contact Treasury and Policy Board should you have any questions concerning the currency of a particular policy/procedure.

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A. Who do I contact if I have a question or comment?

If you have a general question about the manuals or the project, please contact Executive Council Operations, Treasury and Policy Board, at 424-6614 or 424-5463.

Contact the site webmaster for any technical questions.

For information about a specific policy or procedure, see the contact information under the ENQUIRIES section of the policy/procedure.

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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2004-2005, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. Comments to: TPB Webmaster /2006-May-11
