Card with Stones  
A Citizens' Policy Forum  
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Heritage Strategy Task Force Press Releases
May 19, 2005 English | Français
August 30, 2005 English | Français
October 17, 2005 English | Français
June 21, 2006 English | Français
August 11, 2006 English | Français




Heritage Strategy Task Force

(click to enlarge)

Heritage Strategy Task

Project Overview
(EN / FR)

Task Force Members (EN / FR)

Interim Report (EN / FR)

Interim Rerport Executive Summary (EN / FR)

Interim Report Recommendations (EN / FR)

Press Releases

Heritage Strategy Task Force Quick Facts:

•The Heritage Strategy Task for is made up of 11 Volunteers who freely donate their time

•The Task Force had 900 participants at 22 community meetings across the province

•The Task Force received 300 written responses to its first request for submissions

•The interim report has been issued by the Task Force, they are hoping to receive even more public input before they make their final recommendations


"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Marcel Prous