National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Institute for National Measurement Standards
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Institute for National Measurement Standards

Institute for National Measurement Standards

The Institute's physical metrology programs develop, maintain, improve, and disseminate standards for the base quantities of mass, length, time, electricity, temperature and luminous intensity as well as a number of derived measurement standards. The chemical metrology program develops and maintains world-class capabilities in selected areas of organic and inorganic trace analysis, and provides certified reference materials.

R & D Highlights
Canada's Ultimate Light Ruler
Canada's Ultimate Light Ruler

For NRC scientists turning on the lights is never a simple task. They inevitably ask what kind of light and how much? Which is why they're so excited about a new tool that will soon be Canada's ultimate light ruler.

Called an ultra high-temperature blackbody, this rare physics tool now being readied at the NRC Institute for National Measurement Standards (NRC-INMS) in Ottawa will soon be one of the world's most accurate ways to measure ultraviolet, or UV, light. These UV measurements are critical for a wide range of environmental and health issues, emerging industrial technologies, and regulatory requirements pertaining to global trade.

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The Analyst

NRC chemical and proteomics scientists and Institut Rosell-Lallemand of Montreal team up to develop Certified Reference Material for Selenized Yeast

Dr. Zoltan Mester and his research team at the Chemical Metrology Group of NRC's Institute for National Measurement Standards (NRC-INMS) in collaboration with Dr. John Kelly at the Institute for Biological Sciences (NRC-IBS) Proteomics Facility, and the Montreal-based biotech firm Institut Rosell-Lallemand have produced a new Certified Reference Material (CRM) for selenium enriched yeast, which is one of the most commonly used mineral supplement in the world.

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Press Release
Focus on Metrology


New Tools in the Ionizing Radiation Standards Laboratory

The Quest for the Ultimate Measurement

INMS Plays a Role in the Regulation of Natural Health Products


Did you know that INMS offers, in addition to our calibration services:

Consultation on customer-specific measurement issues

On-site visits for problem analysis and consultation

Specialized training courses, delivered on-site

Contact us to find out more.

Activities Report
Activities Report

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