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Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
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Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

Services for Canadian Travellers

Services for Business

Canada in the World

About the Department

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada supports Canadians abroad; helps Canadian companies succeed in global markets; promotes Canada's culture and values; and works to build a more peaceful and secure world.

Assistance for TravellersspacerServices for BusinessspacerCanada in the World
Assistance for TravellersServices for BusinessCanada in the World

For Canada, NATO remains a vital security organization. Our ability to partner with our Allies from both sides of the Atlantic to address emerging challenges and threats is essential to our own security.

Governor General Michaëlle Jean will lead a delegation to Africa (Nov. 19 - Dec. 11) to showcase the strength of Canada-Africa relations in the areas of good governance, democratic development and aid effectiveness.

APEC Leaders meeting concludes with the Ha Noi Declaration. APEC 2006 was held in Ha Noi, Vietnam, on November 18-19, 2006 under the theme "Towards a Dynamic Community for Sustainable Development and Prosperity.".

Protecting Canadians | Rebuilding Afghanistan

"Helping to build democracy and good governance are part of the distinctive values that Canadian foreign policy bring to our leadership role in Afghanistan." - Speech by Minister MacKay

Launch of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative

This new initiative announces concrete measures to strengthen Canada's competitive position in international commerce. "In today's global economy, a strong trade performance must include strong and growing ties with Asia". Minister Emerson Speech - Asia Pacific Summit.

Softwood Lumber Agreement

Companies receive U.S. duty refunds less than three weeks after the Softwood Lumber Agreement came into force.

Other news

Apply for a passport

New Entry Requirements to the United States

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eDiscussion - Sept. 25 - Dec. 1
Non-proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament

CanadExport has gone electronic

CanadExport CanadExport

Discover big opportunities in modern day Egypt

Eyes Abroad

Eyes Abroad

Canada-Japan co-production feature film previewed at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo

Eyes Abroad

Children in war: More than 300,000 child soldiers are currently exploited in situations of armed conflict [photo: CIDA]

Last Updated: 2006-11-22 Top of Page
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