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The Law Commission of Canada was informed today of the federal government’s decision to eliminate the Commission’s funding. Over the past nine years, the Commission engaged Canadians in the process of law reform through the forging of productive networks among academic and other communities while consulting the public through various innovative means. The Commission is currently assessing the best way to address the ramifications of this announcement on staff and partners and will provide more details in a forthcoming press release.


Report: 2006 Annual Report  


Final Report: In Search of Security: The Future of Policing in Canada  


Research Paper - Private Security and Fundamental Rights 
By: Lucie Lemonde, Professor Department of Law, UQAM and Gabriel Hébert-Tétrault, Lawyer


Research Paper - A Study Of The Legal And Policy Barriers To Successful Immigrant Settlement


Public Consultation - Crossing Borders: Law in a Globalized World - Montreal, Quebec
Date: Thursday, June 8, 2006


Nathalie Des Rosiers Audacity of Imagination Award - Results of the 2006 Nathalie Des Rosiers Audacity of Imagination Award

  • Matthew Herder, LLM candidate, Law, Dalhousie University: "Innovating Innovation in the Context of Canadian Health-Related Research."

  • Megan Bradley, PhD candidate, International Relations, Oxford University: "From Divided Cities to Diverse Cities: Legal and Cultural Approaches to Reparations for Returning Refugees."

  • Aude-Claire Fourot, PhD candidate, Science politique, Université de Montréal: " Diversité culturelle et religieuse, intégration des immigrants et gouvernance urbaine."

  • Ramshee Singh, PhD candidate, Criminology, University of Toronto: "Woman Abuse, Immigrant Victims and Community Legal Advocacy: Potentials for Intervention."

  • Karen Macfarlane, PhD candidate, History, York University: "Understanding Justice: An Historical and Comparative Study of Courtroom Interpretation."

  • Patrick Turmel, PhD candidate, Philosophy, University of Toronto: "Are Cities Illiberal? Pluralism and Constraints in Urban Centres."

  • Vanessa Iafolla, PhD candidate, Criminology, University of Toronto: "This Branch Isn't Like Other Branches: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Detection Across the City."


Request for Proposal - Vulnerable Workers
The Law Commission of Canada has just released a Request for Proposals (RFP) in relation to its project on Vulnerable Workers. This RFP, for research combining a theoretical and conceptual analysis of the purpose and structure of labour and employment law with a practical examination of a new paradigm for the regulation of employment in Canada, replaces an earlier one issued in February of this year.

Deadline for submissions: 5:00 p.m. (EST), May 24th, 2006


Discussion Paper - Crossing Borders: Law in a Globalized World


Request for Proposal - The Vulnerable Worker
The Law Commission of Canada is seeking a researcher to draft a research paper on alternatives to the contract of employment as the vehicle for delivering the panoply of rights, benefits and protections long associated with employment. The paper will be approximately 75-100 pages. The total budget for the proposed research project should not exceed $30,000 - $40,000 and a final draft is due fall 2006.

Deadline for submissions: Cancelled


Request for Proposal - The Extraterritorial Application of Law in the Context of Globalization
The Law Commission of Canada is seeking a researcher to draft a research paper on the extraterritorial application of law in the context of globalization. The successful applicant will work directly with staff to prepare this study of approximately 40 pages. The total budget for the proposed research project should not exceed $10,000 and a final draft is due by April 30, 2006.

Deadline for submissions: 5:00 p.m. (EST), Monday, December 19, 2005


Virtual Scholar in Residence - 2006 Virtual Scholar in Residence
This year, the Law Commission will engage three virtual scholars: one will explore issues relating to the recognition and enforcement of economic and social rights, another will build on our previous research to study risk and citizen engagement, while the third will examine access to justice.
Deadline for submissions: January 19, 2006


Research Paper - International Informal Banking Systems Operating in the Greater Toronto Area
By: Kalyani Munshani (March 2005)

Relationships In Transition - 2006 Relationships in Transition Initiative: Communication Rights and the Right to Communicate
The deadline for submitting applications is January 19, 2006.


Report2005 Departmental Performance Report
For the period ending March 31, 2005.


Request for Proposal2006 Nathalie Des Rosiers Audacity of Imagination Award
The theme for the 2006 Nathalie Des Rosiers Audacity of Imagination competition is, "Diverse Cities, Cultural Practices and the Law" .

Deadline for submissions: January 27, 2006


Request for ProposalA Community Approach To Access To Justice

Deadline for submissions: December 16, 2005


Request for Proposal2006 Legal Dimensions Initiative - Social and Economic Rights: Addressing Social Inequalities

Deadline for submissions: December 16, 2005


Research Paper - The Impact of International Informal Banking on Canada: A Case Study of Tamil Transnational Money Transfer Networks (Undiyal), Canada/Sri Lanka
By: R. Cheran and Sharryn Aiken (Spring 2005)

President's Corner - President's Message


Public Consultation - Is Work Working? Work Laws That Do A Better Job - Whitehorse, Yukon
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Executive Summary - Practicing Precaution and Adaptive Management: Legal, Institutional and Procedural Dimensions of Scientific Uncertainty
By: The Institute of the Environment, Jamie Benidickson et al. (June 2005)

Executive Summary - Canada’s Marine Species at Risk: Science and Law at the Helm, but a Sea of Uncertainties
By: David L. VanderZwaag and Jeffrey A. Hutchings (March 2005)


Executive Summary - The End of an Age: Beyond Age Restrictions for Minors’ Medical Treatment Decisions
By: Lucinda Ferguson (October 2004)

Executive Summary - The Impact of Age Distinctions in Law and Policy on Transitions to Retirement
By: Rafael Gomez and Morley Gunderson (December 2004)

Executive Summary - Study of the normative framework (standards and policies) for participation and reflection offered to seniors and their families in decisions and approaches concerning treatment in institutions
By: Louise Lalonde and Georges A. Legault (March 2005)

Executive Summary - Child Labour And Training Wages: Are British Columbia’s New Employment Standards Fair To Youth?
By: John Irwin, Stephen McBride and Tanya Strubin (March 2005)

Executive Summary - Correlation of age with driving behaviour: Aging and driving ability, risk classification of insurance, and public policy and automobile insurance
By: Mary Kelly and Norma Nielson (April 2005)

Executive Summary - Age as an Insurance Rate Class Variable
By: Robert L. Brown, Darren Charters, Sally Gunz and Neil Haddow (December 2004)


Relationships In Transition - Results of the 2005 Relationships In Transition Cultural Practices and Law in Canada

  • Jean-Luc Bacher
    École de criminologie,Université de Montréal
    Hawala: Informal practices and criminal opportunities
  • Sébastien Lebel-Grenier
    Faculté de droit,Université de Sherbrooke
    Norms and Concealment: Arranged Marriages in Canada

Virtual Scholar in Residence - Results of the 2005 Virtual Scholar in Residence

  • Roger Shiner
    Philosophy, Okanagan University College
    What Is a Crime? Frameworks and parameters
  • Elaine Gibson
    Health Law Institute, Dalhousie University
    The role of consent in the use of personal health information for infectious disease surveillance and research


Research paper - Arbitration, Religion and Family Law: Private Justice on the Backs of Women
By: Natasha Bakht (March 2005)


Request for Proposal - A Documentary Film On Canada's Indigenous Legal Traditions

The Law Commission of Canada is inviting proposals from First Nations, Inuit and Metis documentary-writers and producers for a documentary that will explore some of the rich legal traditions of Canada's Indigenous peoples.

Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2005

Request for Proposal - Enforcing Security Interests and Money Judgments on Reserve

The Law Commission of Canada is seeking proposals from Aboriginal suppliers to produce a study on different approaches that could be pursued to improve the access to credit for First Nations.

Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2005


Request for Proposal - Community Scholar in Law Reform - A Study Of The Legal And Policy Barriers To Successful Immigrant Settlement

Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2005

News Release - Law Commission of Canada and Community Foundations of Canada Join Forces to Study Barriers to Successful Immigrant Settlement


Research paper - Confronting the Norm: Gender and the International Regulation of Precarious Work
By: Leah F. Vosko (July 2004) (Document PDF423 K )


Discussion Paper - "Is Work Working? Work Laws That Do A Better Job"

News Release - Law Commission of Canada Releases Latest Discussion Paper

Backgrounder - Is Work Working? Work Laws That Do A Better Job

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