The Small Business Briefcase. Grow and maintain your Small Business in the HRM.
The Small Business Briefcase. Grow and maintain yourSmall Business in the HRM.

Have a great idea for a new business?


If you answered yes, this portion of the site is for you.

We perform a facilitating role in business development. This means that we guide you along - but your hard work is crucial.

We do not have any money to loan, but we know just about every possible way of raising loan and equity capital.

We'll make sure you find everything you need to plan, start-up or expand your business. If you need information, we either have it available or will refer you to another organization that does.

Here you will find business-related information, which is accessible through the side bar links as described below…

  • Assistance to Entrepreneurs: Information on our business counselling program, including many helpful guides for your initial research and planning

  • Business Directory: A showcase of our clients, in rural and suburban HRM

  • Downloads and Frequently Asked Questions: You may find the answers to your questions here

  • Resources : Useful to all existing and start-up business owners. Includes links to counselling, support, information and financing resources

To pose a question directly to a business counsellor click on Contact Us .


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Small Business Briefcase. HRDA.
The Small Business Briefcase.