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August 17, 2005

New era in grain quality assurance

Message from the Chief Commissioner

A New Era in Grain Quality Assurance was held in Winnipeg in June 2005 to focus on the challenges of grain variety identification, from both domestic and international perspectives.

The conference was part of the Canadian Grain Commission's (CGC) Wheat Quality Assurance Strategy. The strategy was announced in December 2003 and has three elements:

Conference presenters and delegates discussed grain variety identification and the development of rapid, cost-effective testing and methods. The program reflected the perspectives of exporters, importers, processors and producers and presented the latest thinking in industry and research circles.

Delegates from Canada's grain industry and from Argentina, Australia, Japan, Paraguay, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States participated.

Canada's international reputation for grain quality and quantity assurance was evident during the conference. It was also acknowledged that the systems by which the CGC ensures grain quality and quantity assurance must evolve.

The CGC's vision in organizing the conference was to lead the industry by gathering information and sharing our expertise and experience in grain quality and quantity assurance and research.

The conference was thought-provoking and productive from every perspective.

Technology will help meet the needs of marketers and producers and maintain Canada's market share. But neither Canada, nor its competitors, have achieved a quick and cost-effective test for variety identification. Furthermore, one will not be available for several years.

The CGC will continue to strive for accuracy, efficiency and precision in grain grading and quality assurance. We will introduce new instruments and methods to respond to the demand for more precision in grain specifications and in grain grading. We will continue to carry out variety identification research and to pursue the issues raised during the conference.

The challenges to all - producers and the Canadian grain industry - are:

The conference raised awareness of the issues and stimulated much discussion. We don't want the discussion to stop here. We need to find solutions in a timely way. Your ideas will help make this happen. I invite you to contact the CGC.

I also invite you to view the list of conference presentations available from the CGC Library on request.

The CGC thanks the following organizations that sponsored the conference:

Chris Hamblin, Chief Commissioner
Canadian Grain Commission
Telephone: (204) 983-2735


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Last updated: 2005-08-17