
Resources for you

  • Resources by school subject link to relevant lesson plans, free articles and data. Some resources require access to E-STAT.
  • Teacher's Kits accompany publications or provide graphs and highlights to introduce specific data sets, applicable to many school subjects.
  • Canada at a Glance is a free booklet that contains over 50 tables from Statistics Canada. Download the PDF version, or order free classroom sets. Lesson plan
  • Reference Material: On-line reference materials are free. Print publications are for sale at a discount.
  • Data: You will find descriptions of all our data resources under Mathematics. Find specific tables by school subject.
  • The Daily is the official release of Statistics Canada's data and publications. Journalists use this source for news reports. If a Daily article refers to CANSIM tables, copy these table numbers and search for them in E-STAT to obtain free access. Lesson plan

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