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Information For consumers

Information for Businesses

Message from the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance

Canada’s new government is offering widespread tax relief.

The GST/HST was reduced by one percentage point beginning July 1, 2006.

This is a tax reduction that will benefit all Canadians regardless of age or income. When you purchase most products and services, you will realize a savings.

As a consumer, do you know all of the ways you can benefit, or what to do if the benefits aren’t passed along to you?

As a business owner, do you know all you need to know to apply this tax relief effectively and fairly?

The answers can be found on our GST/HST websites. This comprehensive new communications tool is informative and easy to navigate. And if you can’t find your answer online, contact information is readily available.

I invite you to explore our GST or HST site and check it out for yourself. I hope you find it interesting and useful.

Last Updated: 2006-07-06

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