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Public Works and Government Services Canada,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Public Works and Government Services Canada
Chapter 130

Table of Contents

Central Personal Information Banks

Particular Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks

Central Personal Information Banks

Crown Housing Records
Description: This bank contains information relating to federal employees occupying or waiting to occupy Crown-owned or administered housing.
Class of Individuals: Federal employees.
Purpose: Information in this bank is used for the administration of federal living accommodation.
Consistent Uses: PWGSC share the information in these records with Natural Resources Canada as described in their chapter PIB NRCan PPE 802.
Retention and Disposal Standards: This information is maintained for five years in the case of housing requirements and three years after termination in the case of specific occupancy records and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 79/008
Related PR#: PWGSC RPB 040
TBS Registration: 000713
Bank Number: PWGSC PCE 701

Insurance Application Cards
Description: This bank contains the locations, pay list numbers, dates of birth, coverage desired, superannuation numbers and names of dependents insured, for all federal government employees and pensioners who are members of the various plans. Cards are maintained only for optional participants of Disability Insurance.
Class of Individuals: All employees of the federal government and pensioners who are members of the various plans.
Purpose: To provide coverage, verify eligibility and support claims under the Public Service Health Care Plan, the Public Service Management Insurance Plan, the Disability Insurance Plan and the Post-Retirement Life Insurance Plan. DND data held in DND PPE 859 Pension file. RCMP data held in CMP PPE 802 RCMP member service records.
Consistent Uses: No Consistent Uses has been identified at this time.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed two year after death of employee.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PWGSC ABC 080
TBS Registration: 001375
Bank Number: PWGSC PCE 703

Public Service Pay Systems
Description: This bank contains information on pay, pension plan, allowances and deductions necessary for the disbursement of pay for federal government employees and pensioners. This bank also includes the personnel record identification (PRI) number as well as contract numbers for effecting various deductions. The bank may also include garnishee orders or orders of attachment and orders for diversion of funds.
Class of Individuals: Federal public servants.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to make payment of salaries and allowances and to effect retention of deductions. The social insurance number is mandatory for identification purposes as required by the Income Tax Act and Regulations, by parts of the Canada Pension Plan, and the Employment Insurance Act.
Consistent Uses: Information enables the audit, reconciliation and validation of accounts. It is also used for reports, and in the verification of pay cheques and related statements, in the recovery of debts due the Crown and in the preparation of statistical reports and information sheets for related systems. The PRI is also used for mapping purposes with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate numbers for the purpose of registration into Pay Web Applications. This mapping is maintained by the Information Technology Branch of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), representing the Certificate Authority (CA), on behalf of the Compensation Sector of PWGSC, which manages the Pay Web Applications. The PRI is stored in the mapping database in an encrypted format which can only be decrypted by the applications. The PRI, date of birth and amount of total deductions from a latest pay, (along with the Superannuation Number), are also used for authentication purposes when enrolling into the web applications.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records for employees are destroyed when the employee has reached 80 years of age or one year after the employee's death.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PWGSC ABC 090
TBS Registration: 002596
Bank Number: PWGSC PCE 705

Public Service Pensions Data Bank
Description: This bank is composed of automated and manual files containing instruments of appointment, the vital statistics, documents, elections, notices, calculations, correspondence, service records, geographic locations, pension benefits, Supplementary Death Benefit (SDB) coverage and beneficiary documentation, insurance information, and data on the service deductions and recent payments issued for pensioners under the Public Service Superannuation Act and the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act, for annuitants under old pension acts and for their survivors.
Class of Individuals: Federal public servants and former federal public servants and their survivors under the Public Service Superannuation Act and annuitants under old pension acts.
Purpose: To assess eligibility to contribute, to calculate cost of prior service, to store employment records, to calculate retirement and survivor pensions, to respond to enquiries, to issue pension payments, to inform recipients of changed pension entitlements or deductions, to collect financial information as evidence of financial hardship in order to adjust repayment scheme, to deduct and remit deductions and premiums to Revenue Canada, Revenue Quebec, underwriters, etc., to support mailing activities for insurances, Canada Savings Bonds, United Way, policy changes (equalization payments), medicare rebates, annual notice of pension increases and tax changes, etc., FSNA (pensioner associations), to determine dental plan eligibility, to determine SDB beneficiary and for statistical purposes.
Consistent Uses: The information contained in this bank may be used for statistical research purposes, for employee benefit statements, for verifications of pension coverage with DND PPE 859 Pension file, RCMP PPE 802 RCMP Member Service Records and NHW PPU 155 Canada Pension Plan Computer Master Data bank, and Quebec Pension Plan, and for planning, implementing and evaluating government personnel policies relating to pensions and superannuation. The Superannuation Number (SN) is also used for mapping purposes with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate numbers for the purpose of registration into Pension Web Applications. This mapping is maintained by the Information Technology Branch of PWGSC, representing the Certificate Authority (CA), on behalf of the Compensation Sector of PWGSC, which manages the Pension Web Applications. The SN is stored in the mapping database in encrypted format which can only be decrypted by the applications. The SN (along with the PRI, date of birth and deductions from latest pay) is also used for authentication purposes when enrolling into the web applications.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed two years after all actions are completed. Processing tapes are reused within one year.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PWGSC ABC 075
TBS Registration: 001374
Bank Number: PWGSC PCE 702

Particular Personal Information Banks

Appointments – Crown Corporations
Description: This bank contains the names, rank, appointment and expiry dates of Crown Corporations' Board of Directors within the Minister's portfolio.
Class of Individuals: Members of the Board of Directors of Crown Corporations.
Purpose: Information is used by the Minister and the Deputy Minister to appoint Board Members.
Consistent Uses: This information is mostly used by the Minister and the Deputy Minister to appoint Board Members.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Information will be retained up to two years after the departure of the Board Member and then submitted to Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 96/021 – 96/022
Related PR#: PWGSC CPI 280
TBS Registration: 004014
Bank Number: PWGSC PPE 825

Competency Profile Assessment
Description: This bank describes an assessment in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities (business competencies) which are valued by the Department's sectors, lists them beside the appropriate training and development courses and then associates them with each employee's needs in their present position as well as for career development. This information is then captured in a learning plan for each employee.
Class of Individuals: Employees working for the Departments.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain and identify information training needs of each employee and the supervisor retarding the training and development activities, in terms of training priorities, allocation of training time and costs.
Consistent Uses: No Consistent Uses has been identified at this time.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two years from the last administrative activity and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PWGSC HRB 305
TBS Registration: 004243
Bank Number: PWGSC PPE 835

Employee Takeover Initiative
This bank was transferred to Transport Canada.

Informal Conflict Resolution for UCS Issues
Description: This personal information bank contains information on employees who filed requests for informal conflict resolution related to the implementation of the Universal Classification Standard (UCS). The information is collected from forms completed by the employees which contain the name of the employee, his/her personal record identifier, any special needs, the details of the employee's position as well as the reasons which led the employee to file a request for informal conflict resolution. Information is also collected from an Informal Conflict Resolution Report which provides information on the methods and results of the Informal Conflict Resolution process for each individual request.
Class of Individuals: Employees working for the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada.
Purpose: To record information on requests for informal conflict resolution related to the implementation of the Universal Classification Standard, resources used to resolve each conflict and the result of the process in each case.
Consistent Uses: No Consistent Uses has been identified at this time.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for three years following the date of resolution or date of decision, then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PWGSC HRB 305
TBS Registration: 005071
Bank Number: PWGSC PPE 840

Intranet Services
Description: This bank may contain the names, e-mail addresses, telephone/facsimile numbers and Internet provider addresses of federal employees who have submitted solicited or unsolicited information to Public Works Government Services Canada Intranet site. The bank includes responses to such comments/questions and any other information relevant to the processing of such comments/questions.
Class of Individuals: Public Works Government Services Canada employees who submit solicited or unsolicited information via the Department's Intranet site.
Purpose: The information is compiled in order to process the comments/questions received and to track the responses given. The information is made available to Public Works Government Services Canada personnel in order to provide a response to the inquiry, and for the purposes of improving services to our Web site clientele.
Consistent Uses: The information will be used by various members of the Department who are responsible for maintaining pages on the Public Works Government Services Canada Intranet web site.
Retention and Disposal Standards: To be established.
RDA Number: To be established.
Related PR#: PWGSC GIS 440
TBS Registration: 005367
Bank Number: PWGSC PPE 830

Description: Information held in this Bank includes employee name, address, telephone number, paylist number, Personal Record Identifier (PRI) number, car, make and model and license plate number.
Class of Individuals: Federal employees.
Purpose: The information is gathered from employees wishing to apply for PWGSC parking.
Consistent Uses: Information is required to commence, end or amend parking payroll deductions.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Retained for three years following the employee cancelling or relinquishing parking privileges and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 79/008
Related PR#: PWGSC RPB 065
TBS Registration: 003745
Bank Number: PWGSC PPE 810

Special Audit Investigation Records
Description: Information in this bank is a record of special audits commissioned by the Deputy Minister relating to activities of employees who have been questioned. It also contains the names of employees being investigated and the results of the investigation.
Class of Individuals: Employees being investigated.
Purpose: This bank is used to inform the Deputy Minister and the RCMP of suspected criminal activity.
Consistent Uses: Information in this bank may be shared with the RCMP.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Information is maintained for six years and then submitted to Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 96/021.
Related PR#: PWGSC AEB 265
TBS Registration: 000714
Bank Number: PWGSC PPE 815

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Banks and a description of their contents

Attendance and Leave

Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code


Employee Assistance

Employee Personnel Record

Employment Equity Program



Identification and Building-Pass Cards

Occupational Safety and Health

Official Languages


Pay and Benefits

Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisal

Personal Security Screening (Reliability Checks / Security Clearances)

Recognition Policy Staffing

Training and Development

Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents

Workplace Day Care

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13